Linking up with Andrea for Show & Tell, this time were talking about our daily struggles! Scroll through the previous topics here.

As a dog mom one of my biggest daily struggles is dog hair, its everywhere! Even after I clean its still there lol! When I do laundry sometimes I think I could make another dog just from the hair/lint in the dryer vent. Our first dog doesn’t shed much thankfully and when I realized our second dog did I thought it was going to be the worst but honestly I got over it pretty easily, good thing Hal is cute 😉

Yes there is hair on all my clothes, on our floors and furniture, and even sometimes in our food. I prefer to think of it as a loving reminder that we’ve got 2 very special beags though!

So the saying goes that you can never get your husband to put down the toilet seat…well my daily struggle with my hubby is getting him to toss his lunch trash at work and not bring it home in his lunch pail! I understand how difficult it can be to throw away your trash in the cafeteria when the trash can is an extra 30-60 seconds out of the way. Especially when you could take it home for your wife to just throw away for you haha. Really though I don’t mind this other than sometimes I never know if the plastic utensils have been used or not…

This isn’t a daily struggle but something I do struggle with often enough. When out shopping I really put a lot of thought into buying something, especially clothing. I’ll carry items around, really hem and haw over them, and make sure its something I want to spend my money on. Then most of the time I end up putting everything back, HA! After a few times I’ll finally make a somewhat impulse purchase and buy something I’m not completely, overly in love with which leaves me with tons of buyer’s remorse! So basically I’ll talk myself out of buying things I really love and want enough times that I feel like I have to make up for it but end up buying something I could have lived without. It’s a real struggle! I need to just buy things when I want them so I don’t end up with things I don’t need/want/love lol

Finally, Friday dinners are such a struggle for me! I meal plan (see my post here) but come Friday evening I just don’t want to cook anymore. But I also really don’t want to start the weekend off using our eating out pass (we typically only eat out once a week and prefer to save it for Saturday/Sunday). No joke, sometimes on Friday we’ll have cereal or I’ll have toast or something else really simple! Even if I plan a simple meal like mac and cheese I never end up wanting to make it come Friday lol. Every single week can be such a struggle! P.S. this graphic made me LOL way too much but it also felt SO relatable 🙂

What are your daily struggles? Or what are you really good at?
OMG I would be on the 9 o clock news if my husband brought home trash in his lunchbox! I nearly lost it on him when he would leave the toothpicks from the meat roll-ups in the sandwich container- agh! And I definitely am the same about purchasing clothes. I should just get it and then take it back later if I hate it!
Haha Allie!!! Picking​ my battles on the lunchbox trash 😉 And yes, let’s just buy it and return it later, but probably not LOL!