Happy Monday! I am linking up with Andrea to Show & Tell our Reverse Bucket Lists. You can read through previous Show & Tell topics here.

First I should say that I’m not certain I’ve really ever made a bucket list or thought much about what I’d put on one. There are definitely things I’d like to do or see though, mostly see Ireland, other than that below are some things I’ve done & seen that after doing so I’d certainly deem bucket list worthy and I am proud to have them on my completed list!

My husband is from Arizona and so on one of our trips to visit his family during college they took me to the Grand Canyon! WOW, there aren’t really words to explain it. Just like everyone says it is breathtaking and you’ve just got to experience it yourself to comprehend it!

I’ve been to both Disney World when I was in High School for Irish Dance & Disney Land in college when visiting my husband’s family.

Not completely finished with this bucket list item but my husband and I are slowly checking off another MLB ballpark each year, so far we’ve been to 8 of 30 together. Comerica Park, Indians, Chase Field, Camden Yard, Nationals, PNC Park, Wrigley Field, Coors Field

Just this month we went to Rocky Mountain National Park and it was again another truly amazing experience! Seeing all the wildlife and beautiful views was breathtaking and surreal.

Entering Rocky Mountain National Park.
I think so far my top bucket list item has been visiting Washington D.C. Namely getting to see the Star Spangled Banner, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence. It is kind of surprising how much these sights have stuck with me, I had not set out feeling that I NEEDED to see these things in life, we just happened to honeymoon to D.C. so we added them to our to-do/see list and they have left an incredibly lasting impression! I think it was knowing that those pieces were quite literally the start of our nation, it just brought about ALL THE FEELS! Honestly seeing the Star Spangled Banner made me really emotional and even faintly brought me to tears. HIGHLY recommend a trip for this!

What have you done that I need to add to my bucket list?!
Wrigley was on my list and I hit it this summer, amazing! What a fun ballpark adventure for you and your husband! Grand Canyon is a must do someday for me!
Yes, Wrigley Field and Wrigleyville were SO cool to see! It’s been fun to keep checking off ballparks 🙂