Hello and welcome friends! Linking up for Show & Tell with Andrea and taking you on a tour of our home. I LOVE getting a peek inside everyone’s home, its fun to see the decor, organization, paint colors, and just gain inspiration. So this may be my very favorite post and link up!

I also did a Home Tour post last year, click here to see that. I’ve rearranged my set up and added a few new things since then! And, click here to see past show and tell link ups 🙂

I kept it real around here, our house is just as it is if you would have visited us this weekend, I didn’t pick up any more than normal – this is real life! It is full on Fourth of July decor up right now, give me all the red white and blue! This door hanger is from Target last year.

I’ve got all my Peanuts books on display right inside the door, highlighting the red, white, and blue. I love collecting these books and switching them out to coordinate with my decor and honestly I love reading them too – Snoopy is SO funny!

I love how open our house is when you enter the living room, dining area, and kitchen just all blend together. It is SO perfect when we have people over!

I kept my kitchen table a little simpler since it tends to be a catch all place in the summer and I didn’t want to add to the clutter!

Oh my hutch! I love filling this and rearranging everything in here. I get bits and pieces of my decor from Target, TJ Maxx, and thrifting! This wall also corrals our doggie things so I made sure the shelves were decorate accordingly 😉

The kitchen layout isn’t my favorite but all the counter space is! Having the fridge next to the oven/stove means the side of the fridge gets real hot when we cook on the burners closest to it (so we tend to avoid that). But the side counter space is seriously SO awesome for holding crockpots or hors d’oeuvres when hosting guests and still having space to prepare other foods for the main meal!

Down the hall we’ve got my favorite pictures ever across from our laundry closet with a bathroom at the end.

Then to the right we’ve got a guest room (with the bed still on the floor lol, we’ll get a frame eventually). As well as our office that holds my craft desk and Ron’s computer for gaming.

Finally, its our bedroom! I painted the shutters last summer:) It isn’t anything fancy but it is us!

And for a quick look outside…leading to our front door.
This flower bed on the side of the garage mostly came from a friend and co-worker of my moms, I am OBSESSED with these yellow flowers, they close up at night and open again in the morning.

We’ve got a shed next to our garden on the side of the house, which is my very FAVORITE place to be – checking on my garden each day is something I just can’t quit.

We painted our deck last year and it is crazy how much better it looks when I see old photos! We leave one chair turned around for Hank to hang out in while keeping watch on our yard haha

That is a little look around our home, thanks for visiting!
Love all your 4th of July decor!!
Thanks Kristi! I love to change up my decor for each holiday/season 🙂