MERRY MONDAY and MERRY CHRISTMAS! Today I am linking up with Andrea for a final Show & Tell post this year, sharing our favorite posts of 2017! I thought I’d share some of my personal favorites as well as some of the favorites that got the most views, comments, etc. My absolute favorite posts this year were ones in which I featured the people I love most! I am hoping to feature even more in the coming year because I loved this so much!

I shared an interview with my husband in which I asked him things like what was the worst part about being married to me or what 3 wishes he’d ask a genie to grant! It was funny and sweet and oh boy did it let his true heart shine bright!

For our 3rd Anniversary I let my husband guest post on the blog (I gave him zero prompts and just let him go) and he shared 3 songs that have special meaning to us. Obviously a favorite post for sure!

Earlier this month I dedicated my posts for a week to raising awareness about Crohn’s disease, which my mom, aunt, and sister have all been diagnosed with. My family graciously allowed me to share a look at life with Crohn’s. I interviewed my Mom and things got quite emotional as you might imagine. I also shared thoughts from my Dad in which he was so real, raw, & honest about supporting a wife and now daughter through a chronic illness. And finally I interviewed my Sister as well as on living with Crohn’s when you’re diagnosed around age 21.

Some of my biggest posts statistics wise were the various link-ups I like to participate in, especially Show & Tell Tuesdays with Andrea! My Home Tour was a big hit – these are some of my favorite posts to read on other blogs too!

Show & Tell: Steal & Splurge was ranked pretty high too – I love me some deals so this one wasn’t a big surprise either 😉

Show & Tell: Prom Night in which I not only featured my own HS Prom photos but some from my parents and in-laws as well!! Which they all surely appreciate having those pictures on the internet without a doubt LOL!

Last up is a Workin’ Wednesday link up about Making Home Cozy – because who doesn’t love a cozy home, am I right!?!?

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