Hello, welcome to another edition of Show & Tell with Andrea. Today it is all about our Best Day Ever!

Sometimes on Monday mornings when my husband and I are carpooling to work I’ll reach over to grab his hand and say thanks for a really great weekend. Those weekends are MY BEST DAY EVER, this past weekend was one of those too!

Our wedding day was one of the best days and we’ve had a TON of FUN on our yearly trips to celebrate another anniversary too. However, it is the ordinary days spent with my little family just at home with very little plans that I would have to say are truly the BEST DAY EVER.

I recently read Melanie Shankle’s Church of the Small things (book review post coming on Friday) and wholeheartedly believe that it is all the small things that make up a big life. So I try my hardest to appreciate those small things and not take them for granted.

The best day ever is when we wake up slow, which means 6am instead of 5:30 (life with beagles lol) and I get to sit outside wrapped in a blanket with a good book enjoying the sun come up with the dogs somewhere close by.

The best day ever is when we eat breakfast burritos, pancakes, or egg sandwiches while watching an F1 race before getting around for the day.

The best day ever is meal planning, then grocery shopping, and grabbing lunch before heading back home.

The best day ever is sneaking in an afternoon nap between putting away groceries, going for a family walk, and doing just a few household chores.

Finally, the best day ever ends with us all snuggled on the couch watching something on Netflix or YouTube.

The best day ever is one I spend with these boys right here and I’m so very thankful for each of them! It’s the days where I find myself catching my breath because I can’t believe just how amazing Hank & Hal are or how incredibly cute they look and that this is my real life. It’s when I just want to hug my husband or be near him even if there are no words being said. The best day ever is when I can literally feel the love and happiness in our home and in my life!

I don’t think we need to have just one best day ever and I’m grateful to appreciate many ordinary days as truly the best ever!
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