Today I am linking up with Shay and Erika to talk about how we are working it in life. The topic of discussion this month is Keeping your Marriage Strong! Sure we’ve only been married for about 2.5 years but we’ve been together for almost 8 years and I think we’ve really figured out how to make it work.

I asked my husband, Ron, for his input leading up to this post as well. There are two people in our marriage and I figured he’d provide some good insight. The list he rattled off when I first asked him included forgiveness, patience, putting yourself in the others shoes, teamwork, and fun. Then we kind of discussed the topics more in depth and here was what we came up with that works in our marriage…

One of the best pieces of advice I think I could give would be don’t talk bad about each other to friends or family! I know sometimes we want to rant but it is important to just resist. I think that bad talking one another solves absolutely nothing. It only paints your husband or wife in a bad light to your friends/family who will always more likely side with you and therefore develop bad feelings about your S.O. Not bad talking one another leads to…

Communication. When Ron does things that drive me crazy, make me mad, or hurt my feelings I tell him. Otherwise he isn’t going to have a clue about what is wrong or how to go about fixing it. The key is I tell him with kindness when it happens rather than letting it build up and then yelling or showing attitude. I let him know for the 1,875th time that he has left his socks on a pile by the couch as I am picking up those socks or that once again all the lights in the house are on as I turn them off. He’ll let me know for the 1,922nd time as he is closing the doors of the fridge that I’ve left them open again. Listen when I married him I knew he left his socks out often and since I loved him anyway I still pick them up without picking a fight because I just know that is who he is meanwhile he knows I have a bad habit of leaving the fridge open so he just closes it because he loves me anyway.

The little things are important too! Ron is always sending me texts throughout the day with random links to something funny or with beagles or generally anything I might like. I like to randomly pack a little sweet treat or surprise in his lunch. Or even a couple weekends ago Ron had a candle burning before I returned home so the house didn’t smell like the garage from earlier in the day. And of course I enjoy baking and keeping cookies well stocked in our home for him! đŸ˜‰

Most importantly though we have fun! I think our friends and family would definitely agree that Ron and I don’t lack fun. We try not to take anything too seriously. I think sometimes there is a pressure that when yound couples get married they have to act adult or grown up like (whatever that even means). One or both of us always has something silly up our sleeve, we love to laugh together, and I suppose those hounds add a good amount of fun too!

How do you keep your marriage or relationship strong? I’m always up for hearing tips on how others make it work đŸ™‚
having fun is key my friend! i love your post! hope you can check my post out as well!