This is the list I’ve been working from. I just went through the house and jotted down areas that needed some TLC then put together this checklist in excel. I also searched through Pinterest for ideas on those easy to forget areas, like the car!

What I’ve really learned is that this is a project to take your time on. I certainly don’t want to lose entire weekends to cleaning the house! So, I’ve been trying to choose either one room or one area of focus each weekend depending on how large the task is. For example I cleaned our guest room in just an hour or so because we don’t have a ton in there but there is no way I was going to tackle our entire master bedroom in one day, instead I just focused on our closet a different day. I don’t want to burn myself out and end up hating the process or myself or taking out my aggression on my loved ones. So I just set aside an hour or two and see what I can get done and leave it at that!

I’ve also tried to keep a balance between doing the things that are easy and doing the things that I dread. I don’t want to do all the easy things first and then leave myself with everything that I’m dreading because that might also deter me from ever completing the list.

Some of my favorite cleaning products come from Method! I love that they are natural, non-toxic and CRUELTY FREE (see my post here about why we are a cruelty free product home). I also get most of our cleaning supplies delivered by Grove Co.

- LEMON! love using this to clean the kitchen sink! Add a little baking soda if you need more of a scrub. Plus it keeps the sink smelling fresh, especially the garbage disposal.
- Stainless Steel cleaner YUM, this smells delicious and actually makes me want to clean our appliances.
- All purpose cleaner I enjoy getting the seasonal scents and switching it up. I keep a bottle of this in my bathroom too so it is easier to access for cleaning in there.
- Shower cleaner We’ve been hit and miss on using this but I’m really trying to make it a better habit!
- Sponge cloths I bought these through Grove Co a couple months ago and love keeping them for use in the kitchen. I reuse one for a day or two for cleanup after dinner then just pop it in the dishwasher for cleaning, saves so much on paper towel!
- Glass bottle w/ vinegar water or oils
- Bleach – because while it is harsh I do still believe some jobs just require it ๐
What’s on your Spring Cleaning to-do list? Any good cleaning products you recommend?
Oooh, I love good smells when I clean, and lemon is probably my favorite! (As long as it’s not a chemically-lemon scent.) Love those memes! ๐
Me too Laura!!! Lemon just screams clean to me and I agree, I don’t like those chemical scents either so natural is the way to go ๐ Hehe, I thought they were too funny so I had to share!