Woooo we just came off of a fun filled weekend with friends! We rented a house in Cadillac, MI with my besties and their significant others for some quality time together. We mostly just hung out and munched on yummy food. And played games! It was a weekend of relaxing, with few plans, and just enjoying time with one another. I am so happy that I get to do life with these people 🙂

Since it was just a short 24hr weekend getaway for us we opted to haul Hank & Hal with us, it wasn’t necessarily easier but it sure was filled with excitement! Upon returning home on Sunday we all crashed on the couch – a true sign of a weekend well spent!

OH AND, we spent Friday night supporting Ron as he studied for his midterm (he did really well too!) on Saturday, until of course Hank decided enough was enough and he required more attention HA!

I’ve also got my Petit Vour September review for you today too!

I really loved the concept of the lip stain just still trying to get used to the color, its more nude than I typically choose for myself. The concealer goes on really smooth and works well for covering under dark eyes. THe face oil is my FAVE, smells SO good and I just add a couple drops to my moisturizer. The mask is also really high end feeling, this is the third Juara product I’ve been able to try and I’m really happy with them. Head over to Petit Vour to find these products and subscribe yourself 🙂
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