I spent the weekend with my girlfriends and it was one of the best! We try to get together monthly but this summer was a hectic one to schedule around. Finally we were reunited and I couldn’t have asked for a better time. There was even a fall festival!

Obviously we chit chatted and caught up on anything and everything. We also snuck in some shopping and good food too 😉 Plus lots of pets and play time for the furry ones. Oh and maybe we indulged in some beverages…yes we definitely did that! I love my ladies and look forward to the next girls weekend =]

Now for my monthly book review: I kicked off the month with Liane Moriarty’s newest, Truly Madly Guilty. I requested to be on the wait list for this one a while ago at my library and then in the meantime I read some pretty mixed reviews about it. So to be honest I was a little nervous to read it when it came my turn. Even some of my go to people for book recommendations had negative things to say.

I got this book just before we left for our Anniversary Trip and figured the car ride would be a perfect opportunity to get to work on it. I have to say I liked this book, when I finished it I felt good about it. I agree with others that it was not Liane’s best but it still had all the components I love in her books. The tragedy, the keeping you guessing, the big twist, the emotional touch, and an ending that ties it all together. Its also the book that kicked off my Random Act of Kindness, see here.

I’m wrapping up my month with yet another by Elin Hilderbrand, Barefoot. I think this is my favorite yet! A story of 3 women who head to Nantucket to escape their life problems and a college boy home for the summer gets intertwined in their stories…oooh its a goodie! This will probably be my last Hilderbrand novel for a bit, since summer is coming to a close I feel I can’t continue with the beach reads. I was given the Shadowhunter series for my birthday and thought they would be perfect for fall and colder months!

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