It has been a busy month! Between work and personal life I’ve been a little stressed which has resulted in me being sick twice and its been difficult to keep up on housework too. I’m honestly happy to see January go!

Ron has class for his masters on Saturdays this semester so I meal planned on Friday night and went to stock up on everything Saturday morning, which might actually be my new favorite time to shop!

After hitting up Kroger I met a friend for lunch, it was nice to squeeze in a little girl time and catch up! We grabbed lunch and a little slice of cake too =]

I know we’re a little behind but my sister, mom, and I finally watched Me Before You! As usual the book was much better, but the movie was not bad at all. Certainly a tear jerker! We all raved about Louisa’s fabulous fashion too 🙂

Sunday I was back to the beagle ranch! Hal is slowly improving, much more his happier self but still hesitant to not overdo it which is good! Hank snoozed and Ronald played us a little Jack Johnson. I love Sunday nights with my boys <3

The weekend went by too quick, hope you enjoyed yours!
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