Last weekend I stocked up at the grocery store, making sure we’ve got plenty of all our household staples so that we’re prepared for Baby M’s arrival. I also bought groceries to make a handful of freezer meals to have easily available too! Rather than tiring myself out and making them all up at once I made a couple throughout the week and then a couple more this past weekend.

I have no doubt that our family & friends will offer great support & help and I’m not above ordering pizza to survive but it will be nice to have some of our favorite meals handy to pull out and enjoy too during those first weeks, provide a sense of normalcy maybe!

Our freezer is stocked with Chicken Enchiladas, White Bean Turkey Chili, Chicken Pot Pie, Baked Mac & Cheese, and Roasted Sweet Potato & Black Been Chili. I also made up some Banana Oatmeal Muffins, Zucchini Muffins, & Lactation cookies for easy breakfasts or snacks!

We also got out for a simple breakfast date one morning since we have a free bagel from Panera everyday from Panera! <3

I did grocery shopping & some cleaning around the house but mostly caught up on some reading and Netflix 😉 We also made a trip to Target where I scored these Hot Cocoa Bar goodies for my mom along with a couple cute clearance tops for Baby M for next winter.

My awesome hubby drew me a bath both Saturday & Sunday night which was so appreciated and I indulged in a few naps along curled up with my favorite beagle boys too! Definitely taking these days slow & soaking it all in, enjoying the last weeks of pregnancy while I can <3

I love how organized and prepared you are Rechelle- those freezer meals are brilliant- if I lived closer, I would make some for you too- sending virtual hugs!!
Thank you Holly, I appreciate it!!
You’re so organized and have planned ahead! Take some time to relax as a family of four before you become a family of five… the dogs have the right idea of snuggling and resting…take care… hugs from CA!
Yes, now it is all about relaxing & waiting! 😉 Thanks Laurie!!
Wow, your meals all sound great! Great job being prepared. I also love the hot cocoa bar things you found!
Thanks Dara, I know I’ll thank myself in a couple weeks for those freezer meals!
Love the Target goodies. Sounds like you are all stocked food wise! Lots of yummy options!!!