I enjoy sharing my weekend wind down posts with you, here is another one in the books!

On Friday we drove the Vette to work and it was the perfect kickoff to our weekend! I felt like I arrived to work in a happy mood ready to finish off the week. I was even more excited to leave of course 😉 It was loud and I smelled like fuel for half the day but it just left the biggest smile on my face all day.

Saturday was a busy one! We squeezed in some deck painting which feels like it has been going on for forever and is never going to end. Doing the white is very tedious and it needed 2 coats, we’re so close to being completely done!

We snuck in one of our last really nice family nature walks before heading to visit friends and meet their sweet new baby girl. Saturday was just such a lovely fall day!

Then came Sunday, dreary and rainy but oh so perfect for our Sunday. My husband spent most of his day on homework while I cleaned house, made a trip to Target and then picked up some groceries. I made dinner and also threw another dinner together in the crockpot for later this week.

I love spending weekends with my boys!
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