Phew, posting 3 days in a row has me wiped out! Ron has felt like he is getting sick and yesterday woke up with a swollen tonsil, so he’s been resting trying to let his body heal and I’ve tried to rest and be proactive so as to not catch it! Today I thought I’d share all the details from our holiday weekend so I don’t over fill Friday’s post with pictures 😉 My family spent the weekend with us for Thanksgiving and here is a look at what we did…We lounged.

We got outside and walked of course! Had to make more room for the turkey and pie 😉

We ate well 🙂 Thursday we made a large spread of appetizer type foods so we had those to munch on all weekend, then on Friday we had our big turkey dinner!

Kicked off the Christmas season with a lights parade and tree lighting in our favorite little town. This is the town Ron & I lived in every other 3 months throughout college, even now we’re only 15 minutes away in another city. Honestly though Holly still feels much more like our home <3

Then we cheers’d to a successful small business day of shopping on Saturday, where we headed back to Holly again to hit up all the cute little shops and of course eat at our favorite pub!

By the time Sunday rolled around we just needed to recover a little before heading back to a long week of work, so we did a whole lot of nothing!

At one point poor Hal was just fighting the sleep before he finally just fell into it! LOL
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