It’s the last What’s up Wednesday of the year, sharing what we’ve been up to so far this month! Linking up with Sheaffer and Shay too 🙂

What we’re eating this week…
ALL THE CHRISTMAS COOKIES! I always make up a tray of goodies for each of us to take in to work before Christmas, last weekend was full of baking!

What I’m reminiscing about…
I came across this photo last week and it just made me so happy! Holly Mae was our first little fur baby!

What I’m loving…
Curling up with the Christmas lights on, a candle lit and watching a holiday movie.

What we’ve been up to…
I’ve been making lots of treats and Ron has been working on the car a lot.

What I’m dreading…
Not a single thing right now, just taking in the joy of the holidays!
What I’m working on…
My 2017 goals. I prefer to set goals versus resolutions, in my mind it is better motivation to work towards life goals.
What I’m excited about…
Today is our last day of work until after the new year!
What I’m watching/reading…
Still working my way through watching The Good Wife. I’ve been squeezing in holiday movies like The Holiday, Love Actually and the Family Stone. I’m almost done reading Cancel the Wedding, so you’ll see my review soon.

What I’m listening to…
If you read my post on Monday you know I’m listening to this!

What I’m wearing…
Festive holiday socks! Christmas is my favorite time to wear themed socks, I’ve got a whole bin full of ’em.
What I’m doing this weekend…
celebrating Christmas with family!

What I’m looking forward to next month…
Celebrating the new year with friends!
What else is new…
Here is a peek at a few of the gifts I received from my girlfriends.

BONUS QUESTION: Favorite memory from 2016…
I think our little family’s favorite memory for this year was getting our Corvette. Its sure to be the center of future favorite memories too! Close second would be our trip to Pittsburgh. I always look forward to our weekend celebrating us, visiting another ballpark and just traveling with this guy!

Check in on Friday as I share my favorite posts from this year!
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