What we’re eating this week…
Chili that my mom sent us home with last weekend, trying out this apple cider chicken and sweet potatoes, and probably a simple pasta. I might even pull out this potato soup from the freezer too!
What I’m reminiscing about…
On Monday we celebrated 4 years with Hank! These photos feel like a lifetime ago, hard to remember not being a beagle pack 😉

What I’m loving…
All the Fall things!
What we’ve been up to…
We spent a weekend with friends, which you can see more here. And putting in all our spare time on the Vette, it runs!

What I’m dreading…
It’s always the leaves, they won’t stop falling until well after snow starts flying here. We do more clean up in the spring with leaves than the fall, but I still dread it!
What I’m working on…
I’ve already got blog post topics planned for the remainder of the year, now I’m brainstorming what I want to bring to the blog next year!
What I’m excited about…
Halloween next week! You can see my decor post here and my Show & Tell post from Monday sharing some costumes from when I was a kid plus a short Halloween story I wrote in 4th grade 😉

Jane from Tarzan and then a pirate too 😉
What I’m watching/reading…
Don’t forget to return for my October book review on Friday, I’ve read a couple good ones! Otherwise we’re keeping up with This Is Us and I’m enjoying Grey’s Anatomy too.

What I’m listening to…
One of our favorite bands just released a new album last week, so we’ve been jamming to it!

What I’m wearing…
Here is a peek at what we wore for family pictures last weekend 😉

What I’m doing this weekend…
We had a couple busy weekends in a row but thankfully this weekend we are looking forward to no plans!

What I’m looking forward to next month…
Thanksgiving! We’ll be spending Christmas with my husband’s family in AZ this year, so I want to be sure to enjoy Thanksgiving with my family before we leave 🙂
What else is new…
Not much else here 🙂
BONUS QUESTION: What is my favorite Thanksgiving side…
Last year for Thanksgiving I made twice baked potatoes for something a little different from mashed and they were SO GOOD, thinking I may do it again this year!!!
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