Hooray for the short work week and bring on the turkey! 😉 Today I am linking up with Sheaffer & Shay for November’s What’s Up Wednesday, my favorite post of the month!
What we’re eating
What we’re eating this week…
The first half of the week we’re keeping it simple with some veggie filled pasta, chicken stir fry, and a good salad. Then of course we’ll have plenty of food for Thanksgiving! Cheeseballs, fondue, deviled eggs, caramel apple dip, etc…
What I’m reminiscing about…
Photos from the first year Ron & I were dating have been popping up in my memories on Facebook, we’ve always had a lot of FUN together and happy to say we still do!

What I’m loving…
My Christmas decor, I love enjoying these little moments 🙂

What we’ve been up to…
All the cuddles as it gets dark and cold.
What I’m dreading…
That first substantial snowfall…it always causes chaos on the roads as everyone tries to remember how to drive…
What I’m working on…
Making my shopping list for the holidays!
What I’m excited about…
We’ll be in Arizona in one month! The last time we visited my husband’s family in AZ was for Easter 2016, though we’ve seen them since as they have visited us I know I certainly miss Arizona which means my husband probably misses it A WHOLE LOT MORE!

What I’m watching/reading…
I’ve started reading some books digitally on my phone as well as some physical. I almost always carry a book with me but in the moments when I forget it is nice to still be able to read something on my phone aside from social media. Otherwise I’ve been keeping up with This Is Us & Grey’s Anatomy.

What I’m listening to…
Christmas music! Fa La La La La
What I’m wearing…
I picked up a few holiday leggings and have been having fun dressing them up to actually wear outside of the house as well as festive & fun for lounging too! Oh and loving my newest earrings from Nickel & Suede 🙂

What I’m doing this weekend…
Thanksgiving feast with the fam, Small Business Saturday shopping, and hopefully some festive holiday activities too!

What I’m looking forward to next month…
Christmas in Arizona!
What else is new…
I found this little Santa cactus at TJ Maxx and it just makes me SO HAPPY, its our piece of Arizona here in Michigan 🙂

What have YOU been up to this month?
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