Wrapping up the month and linking up with Sheaffer, Shay, and Mel for another edition of What’s Up Wednesday!

What we’re eating this week…
Enjoying eating outside with Kielbasa and veggies over rice (okay, this was from last week). Grilling as much as possible! And we tried a new meatloaf balls recipe with potatoes of course!

What I’m reminiscing about…
I launched this blog a year ago this month! See this post to enter my celebration GIVEAWAY, winner announced on Monday!

What I’m loving…
I’m slightly obsessed with these chips from Trader Joe’s! I wasn’t sure on the flavor when seeing it in store but was slightly intrigued, now I’m COMPLETELY sold on them, SO GOOD!

What we’ve been up to…
Last Friday I went to a local pro baseball game with a couple girlfriends spur of the moment! The weather was good, the beer was cold, and the company was even better 🙂

What I’m dreading…
I’m a pretty positive person so I try my darnedest not to dread things and look at the bright side!
What I’m working on…
Our garden! I like to check on it every single day, it just makes me happy!

What I’m excited about…
I’ve got all of next week off, HOORAY for family visiting! I’ll still be posting here regularly though 😉
What I’m watching/reading…
We’re still working our way through House of Cards. I finished up book #2 (book review to come Friday) for the month and want to get started on watching the Netflix series as well! P.S. We jumped on the Halo Top ice cream wagon and I’m not hopping off anytime soon, it’s SO GOOD!

What I’m listening to…
Often times on the ride to work in the morning my husband and I listen to NPR, my favorite has become the #AskCokie segment on the Morning Edition. Cokie Roberts quickly became a favorite and I’ve even even added some of her books to my want to read list 🙂
What I’m wearing…
Sunblock! I purchased some varying kinds to test out, I’ll be sharing my thoughts soon!

What I’m doing this weekend…
My in-laws arrive on Saturday, so we’ll be picking them up from the airport and spending some time with family!
What I’m looking forward to next month…
It’s birthday month in our household so its a month long celebration! Ron’s family is also coming for a visit and we’ve got some fun planned!

What else is new…
We went to a local fair with some friends last weekend, Ron tried to win me a stuffed beagle in one of the games with no luck. But later we walked into a gift shop and he bought me this bracelet! LOVE!

Bonus Questions: What is your favorite July 4th tradition?
Over the last several years we’ve celebrated the holiday in various ways but I think my favorite always includes a bonfire and s’mores!

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