I almost missed this linkup this month because the month went by so quickly, linking up with Sheaffer & Shay!
What we’re eating this week…
Keeping it simple this week, eating up the things in our freezer and a couple easy to make meals. A week or so ago I had made baked spaghetti & tossed the leftover in the freezer for an easy meal, I did the same with some meatloaf & beans too! We’re having our favorite sweet potato burritos since it’s been a while & then probably something with chicken breasts too.
What I’m reminiscing about…
In my Google photos a lot of memories have been popping up with Hank, especially from when we lived in our apartment. Most days it feels like Hank is as crazy & active as ever, but to look back on pictures & see how he has aged can sometimes make me emotional. Blessed by this doggo for sure!

What I’m loving…
That we finally have our appliances! After ordering a washer, dryer, & fridge for our new home in November they finally arrived last week!!! Since moving in mid-December we’ve not had machines to do laundry & had a temporary small fridge. I love being able to clean things as I wish now lol!

What we’ve been up to…
It is so crazy how much Ro is learning & growing every single day. His language & communication are just exploding. Over the weekend I was making a grocery list & he decided he needed to make one too. He is very much in to copying our words AND actions, so we’ve become hyperaware of ourselves lol

What I’m dreading…
Not a thing.
What I’m working on…
We’ve been working on getting baby’s room put together! Sometimes it feels like even though we’re busy doing things it doesn’t always look like we’re making progress, which can be hard! Feels so good to see this room start to slowly come together.
What I’m excited about…
I’m excited to have a washer & dryer lol! I shared last week that my favorite moment of the week was that they were delivered after being ordered in November, moving in in December without any laundry machines, and then losing access to doing laundry when our previous home sold in January. It’d been about a month since I’d done laundry (we were sending a load or 2 weekly with my mom to do), and turns out I had a lot I wanted to catch up on! I did 8 loads of laundry on Sunday, it felt so good lol!!
What I’m watching/reading…
Ro loves & asks to watch racecars, probably because usually the only time we really turn on the TV is to watch motorsports. But I love that he enjoys it like we do & actually watches, seems impressive for a 2yr old! This was last weekend while watching Nascar. (also he certainly watches kiddo shows too & asks for those sometimes)

What I’m listening to…
My husband & I were just talking about how we need to listen to more Mandolin Orange. The duo released an album just before Ro was born & we listened to their music SO often in the month leading up to and then after his birth that it became our go to music. It worked out so well that we listened often because it was always what we could count on to play & calm Ro. So we need to make that happen for this babe too 😉

What I’m wearing…
Nothing special these days lol, just what fits as these last weeks of pregnancy start to dwindle.
What I’m doing this weekend…
We are headed to my parents’ for the weekend because it is picture time with our very favorite photographer! It has been over a year since I’ve last had pictures with Lynzee & I can’t wait to see the magic she captures, we’ll be taking 2yr milestone pictures & maternity as well!

What I’m looking forward to next month…
St. Patrick’s Day! Being able to get outside more without the frigid temps & tons of snow we’ve had. And next month brings us reallllll close to the arrival of baby brother!
What else is new…
Over the weekend we had the pole barn insulated, I know my hubby is thrilled to have that checked off the list! Even if there is still a ways to go on getting the barn finished.
That mohawk tho- can’t take how cute he is!! Ohhh you are getting close…so exciting…loved that Hank pic with his mama too XO
So very close & I’m not ready lol!
Great post to catch up with you all!
I can’t believe how long you went without a washer and dryer. That would have been hard. I often joke that my washer is my favourite appliance 🙂
It was hard & I’ve been busy catching up ever since lol!