I’m joining in for my FAVE linkup with Sheaffer & Shay to share what we’ve been up to this month!
What we’re eating this week…
Our house is filled with ALL the food & leftovers! We brought home our baby, Ronald, on February 13th and my mom stayed with us the first few days helping us out and cooking too. Then my in-laws came up from AZ for all of last week to meet Ronald & they cooked for us too!! Of course dinnertime is also usually when little Ronald decides to be fussy so it often looks like this 😉

What I’m reminiscing about…
February 2017 I had just chopped my hair off to donate and we went to an Eric Church concert <3 I’m hoping to donate my hair again soon and already looking forward to at least one concert we’ve got tickets to later this year!

What I’m loving…
Last week we had newborn pictures taken in our home and received a couple sneak peeks, can’t wait to share more!!

What we’ve been up to…
It has been all things baby over here! Learning our new normal as a family and of course surviving on minimal sleep lol

What I’m dreading…
Ronald is already 2 weeks old and they have been the absolute fastest 2 weeks of my life, I’ve only got 10 more weeks home with him and I’m already dreading going back to work in May :\
What I’m working on…
On Monday I shared Ronald’s birth story here, I’m working on writing a follow up post about some of the complications I encountered after labor & delivery.

What I’m excited about…
I recently found this account on Instagram and I can’t wait to dive in more and follow along!

What I’m watching/reading…
Keeping up with Grey’s Anatomy, though I’m usually catching it a couple days later because no way I can stay up that late these days lol. And at night when I wake up to breastfeed I’m reading more of this book.
What I’m listening to…
A baby crying…ha!?
What I’m wearing…
Honestly just all the comfy & cozy clothes around home that are easy for nursing too. However I do I have a bachelorette party coming up this Spring in Florida so I’m on the hunt for new swimwear, these caught my eye at Target 😉
What I’m doing this weekend…
Probably having a couple visitors to meet Ronald otherwise just hanging home with our little family and maybe catching up on a few more naps!

What I’m looking forward to next month…
St. Patrick’s Day!!! Coming from a tiny Irish town it is always the biggest holiday for us, I also Irish danced for 10 years as a kid so March was a busy month of dance performances. I am excited to start new celebrations & traditions for Ronald <3

What else is new…
This little guy is the newest around here!!

Oh look at all the Love! Those family pictures are breathtaking… I especially like the black and white photo with all 5 of you on the bed. And those ig quotes are spot on. Sending all the love to the M family.
Thank you Laurie! We’re soaking in the love 🙂
The newborn photos are great!! I really like the swimsuit with the black and white top and black bottom. I might check it out for myself!
Thanks Dara! I think I’ll be ordering a couple suits to try out, they’re pretty cute 😉
Oh my goodness, how sweet are those newborn photos! I hope you are loving your third wheel dinner guest 🙂 Looks like you’ve been able to cook some yummy recipes, have a great week!
Thank you Brittany!! We sure are loving him 🙂
Your newborn pictures are so gorgeous!!!! He is one handsome little fellow!!!
Awe, thank you Shannon!!
He is the sweetest! Seems like you are adjusting beautifully Rechelle!
Thank you Holly! 🙂