What’s Up Wednesday, my favorite monthly linkup with Sheaffer, Shay, & Mel! Can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to this month too 

What we’re eating this week…
I’ve been loving using my Dutch Oven that I received for Christmas! I made another Roast Chicken this weekend, YUM. We had some sloppy joes and I have plans for this Korean Fried Chicken too! The rest of the week includes veggie stuffed squash, rosemary chicken sandwiches, and veggie pasta.

What I’m reminiscing about…
The end of February last year we saw Eric Church in concert which was AMAZING & so much fun!

And on this exact day we were working on putting back together the Corvette transmission, which was a HUGE pain – thankfully we got rid of it and got a new one that we didn’t have to put together lol!

What I’m loving…
We’ve had such lovely weather the last couple days! I am loving getting outside after work and getting back to more frequent family walks <3

What we’ve been up to…
Well we had a big month car wise – Ron solved the oil pressure issue on the Vette so its really running now & we bought a new car for me!

What I’m dreading…
I typically don’t dread much, so nothing here…
What I’m working on…
I’m slowly working on some spring cleaning type stuff – purging closets, organizing all the things, and scrubbing our house clean!
What I’m excited about…
I’m excited for spring and to get started on my garden outside. Seeds have been purchased and planning has commenced!
What I’m watching/reading…
You can catch my February book review here. Still watching This Is Us & Grey’s Anatomy around here. Honestly though Ron & I watch A LOT of YouTube, in fact we don’t even have cable TV – just an Antenna to get all the free local channels! We do use Hulu, Netflix, & Amazon TV but mostly we subscribe to several YouTube channels and that is primarily what we watch. These are a couple of our favorites: Slo Mo Guys & Off the Ranch, we watch a lot of various science, car related, or music related channels too!

What I’m listening to…
I’ve loved Kesha’s song “Praying” for a while now, I recently decided it was about dang time I actually listened to her entire album, Rainbow, and I’ve pretty much had it on repeat! GRL PWR!
What I’m wearing…
I finally caved and got these Leopard Nickel & Suede earrings! I fell in love with this brand of earrings when I got my first pair the end of last July and I’m already up to 9 pairs
They absolutely make any outfit and are just the easiest piece to wear!
What I’m doing this weekend…
We don’t have any big plans in place which is just fine. We will be meeting up with Ron’s grandma though, it’s always good catching up with family!
What I’m looking forward to next month…
St. Patrick’s Day! And it’s on a Saturday so it doesn’t get much better 
What else is new…
We ordered and received the bucket seats for the Corvette this month! Hank approved, lol and we can’t wait to hopefully put them to good use this summer.

Congrats on your new car and I LOVE those earrings!!
Thank you Jaclyn!
Oh I will take any of your gardening tips. Do you think it is better to plant seeds than the actual plants? When do you typically plant? Any other tips? My garden suffered the last few years and I want to get it right this Spring!
While I am not at all an expert I have loved growing my garden & learning the last 3 years! I much prefer planting seeds, I’ve just had better luck with them and the feel like I get a higher quality harvest at a better price. My favorite seeds are from https://www.highmowingseeds.com/. Seed packets will have growing/planting details regarding dates, so depending on the seed I’ll start them indoors in March/April then typically get everything outside in late May after the last frost – for reference I am in Michigan, so this might be different based on your location/zone. Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions, I have so enjoyed gardening that I’ve made my garden bigger & bigger each year! Best of luck on yours Holly
My son likes watching cars and science you tube channels. He learns so much from them! I’m loving the slightly warmer weather too!
Yes, we love watching them because they’re so interesting and we learn so much too, happy to hear your son does too! Thanks for always stopping by Dara
Love the picture of your hounds getting outside for some fresh air. It’s so good for humans’ and canines’ hearts and souls.
I’ve been drooling over the Nickel and Suede earrings for a long time – I need to “bite the bullet” and buy some! Now, which ones to get?!
Happy Wednesday from California! We are about to be heavily rained upon…
Thanks Laurie, we loved having the Spring weather around for a couple days!
YES, once you get yourself a pair of Nickel & Suede earrings you won’t go back
I rotate through mine almost daily!
Stay warm & dry, we’ve got snow headed our way this afternoon/evening…