What we’re eating this week…
We made a run to Trader Joe’s & Whole Foods last weekend so we’re eating our favorites around here! Whole Foods Chicken Wings and Mac & Cheese, Trader Joe’s Orange Chicken and Veggie Fried Rice.

What I’m reminiscing about…
The end of August/Beginning of September always has me reminiscing on our wedding as well as our anniversary trips each year <3 We celebrated our first anniversary in Chicago, second in Pittsburgh, third in Denver, fourth in Kansas City, and this year we’re headed to Nashville! Seem like random locations to celebrate an anniversary? That is because we travel to visit a different MLB ballpark each year…we’ll be stopping in Cincinnati to see The Great American Ballpark this year 😉

What I’m loving…
These cooler temps! Last weekend was low 70s and it was PERFECTION!!!

What we’ve been up to…
Having fun outside, hanging with family, growing the garden…

What I’m dreading…
Living in the moment not worrying about the tomorrow 🙂
What I’m working on…
Next week we head to Nashville so I’m currently working on making lists for all the things we need to pack!
What I’m excited about…
I am SO excited to celebrate our anniversary in Nashville next week!
What I’m watching/reading…
Workin’ Moms on Netflix is a favorite, season 3 comes out tomorrow and I am looking forward to bingeing 😉 And I’m hoping to share the books I’ve read recently soon, there have been some good ones!

What I’m listening to…
We’ll be seeing Mandolin Orange at the Ryman next weekend so I’ve been listening to prepare for the concert.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZTUjS_UwZA&w=560&h=315]
What I’m wearing…
I picked up a couple bow scrunchies & acrylic clips recently and have been having fun wearing them in my hair.

What I’m doing this weekend…
List making, packing, and relaxing a bit too of course!
What I’m looking forward to next month…
We celebrate 5 years of marriage!!

What else is new…
I picked up some new products for my shower routine and have been loving them…Billie razors are not only fun but work exceptionally well so far. And I’ve been using VERB hair products for the last month and LOVE them!!! Use my link here and get a discount on your first purchase (I’ll earn a small commission too). This shampoo & conditioner is my FAVORITE, I am also using the hair mask weekly. If I have dry hair I use the Ghost Oil as a shine/frizz control plus heat protectant if I plan to straighten or curl my hair. Otherwise I use this Ghost Prep on my wet hair to protect it too. My absolute FAVE though is the dry shampoo!!!! It smells good and works well, I’ve been able to extend the time between hair washes with the use of all of these products. And best of all is that they are cruelty free 🙂
Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful bride! Have a blast in Nashville-can’t wait to read all about it and I LOVE looking at pics of Ronald- he is such a happy boy!
Thanks, we are looking forward to our trip! 🙂
Happy anniversary, I hope you have a great trip!
Thanks so much!!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Have a wonderful trip! So much love in this post. One more month of MLB regular season – bring on the playoffs! My hubby likes to tour the ballparks too. This year it was in Japan when Seattle and Oakland played each other and some Japanese teams.
Thank you Laurie! SO neat that you hubby went to Japan for baseball this year, what a cool experience!!!