Wow, did April feel like it went fast for you!? Can’t believe it’s time for another monthly What’s Up Wednesday with Sheaffer & Shay!

What we’re eating this week…
We’ve had some crock-pot veggie loaded mac & cheese, apple brown sugar pork chops, and grilled steak tacos! It has been a good week of food 😉

What I’m reminiscing about…
We are coming up on my sister’s birthday next week! I’ve been thinking back on all the amazing parties my mother used to throw for us 🙂 There was actually one year in which my mother was quite sick (I’ve shared he story with Crohn’s Disease here) and she was unable to be at my sister’s party. Good thing my mom is a twin so our Aunt filled in and Rae & I still joke that no one knew it wasn’t mom 😉 I wrote this post to her a few years ago…

What I’m loving…
Honestly, these crackers lol! I bought them randomly a few months ago because they were on sale and who knew we’d all love them so much!

What we’ve been up to…
Lots of time together and allllll the video chats <3

What I’m dreading…
Having to go back in to work eventually. Don’t get me wrong it is incredibly difficult working from home with a one year old but I am enjoying all this extra time with him and I know it will be hard when the day comes that we transition back. Though I do not have a time frame yet for when that will be, which is also hard not knowing.

What I’m working on…
We’ve been slowly, one night a week, working on cleaning out & organizing our basement. Hopefully maybe make some space for Ro to be able to run & play a little down there!
What I’m excited about…
I’m excited for this warmer weather that we have been getting! Ro has absolutely LOVED getting outside, he actually will demand out (takes after Hank in that way lol). I’m looking forward to getting our garden planted & working in it with him, even if he causes more havoc than growth lol

What I’m watching/reading…
I’m reading all sorts of things! You can see my last set of book reviews here. We’re not big on TV over here, maybe once or twice a week Ron & I will watch an episode of some show on Netflix – right now we’ve been in to The Great British Baking Show. Ro’s all time FAVORITE book is Happy Pumpkin Day Mouse, from the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie series, he also likes other books from the series too but we found that Prime Video has a series based on the books and recently introduced Ro to it. He of course LOVES it!

What I’m listening to…
We’ve been tuning in to some our our favorite musicians “live” shows across Facebook & Instagram.
What I’m wearing…
I’m still getting around & dressed as usual everyday to keep up the motivation and try to make the days as normal as possible, routine has helped us a lot these last 2 months.

What I’m doing this weekend…
Dropping off a gift for a friend on her porch as it was supposed to be her baby shower this weekend.
What I’m looking forward to next month…
Sunny days & working on the garden!

What else is new…
I’m not sure about you but we noticed our grocery bill has been through the roof! Obviously we aren’t eating out as much which means eating at home more but OY :\ We also realized that Ro was provided breakfast & lunch at daycare and with him eating more & more that is taking up a portion of our bill too. Anyway in an attempt to save money I joined Thrive Market! We just received our first order, I only purchased items that we know & like and I spent a good amount of time price checking across Thrive & our grocery store (and even Amazon) to make sure I was actually saving money, some things were actually still cheaper at our grocery store so we’ll keep buying them there! Are you a Thrive member, any must buy items? If you’re interested you can use my referral link here & save 25% on your order, I will also receive $25 if you become a paid member.
Looking forward to planting here too…it’s all the excitement we know we will have in the near future anyway…thanks for recommending Thrive-will definitely check it out!
I mean I like gardening but never knew I’d look forward to it so much! Let me know what you think of Thrive…
That is so cute that Ro demands out! Do you still have to pay for day care now? I don’t think our food bills have changed because my kids took lunches to school anyway, but otherwise I could see it being higher!
It is cute, until it is cold out or not great weather & he doesn’t understand that we can’t go outside lol! We fortunately do not currently have to pay for daycare. We always take leftovers for our lunches as well, so not much has changed. Probably a combination of just eating more since we’re home snacking all day, trying to shop as quick as possible means not always checking prices, plus some things have been out of stock so we don’t have as many options to shop inexpensively.
I realized our grocery bill is through the roof because I’m only shopping at one store and not looking for deals. I used to price match and maybe hit two or three stores but that’s just not possible now. Plus I think everyone really IS eating more.
Also, I LOVE your baseball headband! It’s so cute!!!
Yes I think you are so right about not looking for the deals and just going to one store! My husband has taken over the shopping too & while he has done amazing (seriously, I’ve been proud lol) he isn’t as experienced at me at knowing what to buy on sale & what to pass on, etc.
Thank you! The headband is SO SOFT, you can find the seller @han.madegoods on Instagram! 🙂
Happy end of April. This month has been both slow and fast for me due to the shelter in place (since mid March) and I get to do it again in May, with potential of easing of restrictions. But not the face masking. 😷. Love the pics of Ro in the headset, having your office work outdoors. My food bill has been higher – hardly any sales at the stores, people stocking up (families at home), supply/demand/transportation issues. We’re also eating out a bit more to support our local businesses. We have planted tomatoes and 3 types of carrots so far. We are almost done with arugula, so we will plant other stuff there soon. One day at a time. And grateful for many things along the way too.
I just noticed this week that the sales are on much less products, we also haven’t been using any physical coupons! I need to try planting carrots again, I’ve only tried one variety before and they were quite small but that was also my very first year gardening. Yes to finding gratitude along the way, it is the little things right now!
All your food for the week does sound wonderful. I need to get to planting this year as well. I totally hear you on the grocery bill… Insane LOL
Lol, insane is a good way to describe it! As a result of good foods this week we’ll be low key next week, HA all about balance