Today I thought I’d share 3 things about each of us right now.

- Hank loves the cooler weather. He will literally stay outside all day long if we let him. It’s also really funny because he will come inside to check on us and then head right back out, unless of course it is dinner time.
- Cooler weather also means Hank spends more time sleeping in our bed at night which makes my mama heart happy! And warm, he is a little space heater!
- The squirrels and him have a game going on. It is quite entertaining to watch.
- Still hasn’t stopped with the toys or squeaking the toys or destroying the toys. Hal always has a toy nearby and we often find him sleeping with one too.
- Hal is really starting to take after his brother, he gets into all the scents when we go out exploring on walks and enjoys tracking animals too.
- Hal is reaching expert level at hamming it up! He will squeeze his way into getting pets and belly rubs and makes all sorts of grunts while do so. It is quite cute.
- Ron is working really hard to earn his masters degree. He goes to class 2 nights a week after work and doesn’t get home until almost 10pm. He then also dedicates weekend time to homework.
- He is so very excited and proud to finally own his dream Corvette! If I can’t find Ron, I know the first place to check is the garage 😉
- It is all about Post Season Baseball at the moment. While the Detroit Tigers are our team and unfortunately didn’t make it to the post season, Ron still appreciates baseball in general. Hoping the Cubs can go all the way!
- I love fall! I love the sweaters & scarves, and cider & donuts that is brings. And all the fall flavors too, except I’m not into all that pumpkin spice stuff…
- I am so very content with life right now. I love the routine of packing and unpacking lunches, coming home to make dinner, loving on our beags, and supporting my husband.
- I. Cannot. Stop. Watching. Parenthood. Seriously! Which has also resulted in me slacking on my reading, oops!
That’s a little bit of us right now :)o
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