It’s finally time for an update on how this pregnancy has been the last 30ish weeks…
It is fun to see how similar and different my pregnancies have been. This time around I experienced some nausea in the first trimester ( I honestly had next to zero complaints with Ro), I never got sick but did have days where I just did not feel my best. I was so glad when that finally went away for good. Of course I was tired, still am lol, I expected nothing different with a toddler & moving!
No real cravings again this time around and about the only thing that I don’t like to eat anymore is red pasta sauce, lol. I can eat but I just don’t prefer it which I’ve actually never been over the moon for it anyway. I did have many days though where food just didn’t sound appealing and just ate because I knew I needed to.
My bump did start showing sooner this time around like many say is common for subsequent pregnancies and I wasted no time making the switch to my beloved maternity jeans haha! Overall my body has felt this pregnancy more…my hips feel looser & sore, my pelvic area feels heavier, and my muscles just very stretched. All great signs that my body is falling into rhythm and knows it has done this before. I’ve gone to the chiropractor for some relief as well as am starting pelvic floor physical therapy back up. It makes for a lot of appointments but I am really proud of myself for the commitment to take care of myself.
I’ve really been enjoying a weekly virtual prenatal yoga class! The poses feel so good and it is really nice to have time dedicated to myself, my body, & my baby at least once a week. I’ve been sleeping well which is so relieving! I know some women really struggle with sleep while pregnant and thankfully it seems I actually get some of my best sleep while pregnant.
I started feeling some light movement around 18/19 weeks. I have an anterior placenta this time which can dull the kicks a little and I would say it has for me, even now I feel his movement but it feels tamer & just different than it did with Ro – which may be the placenta placement or it may just be a tamer babe 😉
Otherwise we definitely have some second baby syndrome going on over here, eeks! We haven’t settled on a name, we don’t have anything for a nursery, and haven’t done probably any of the other things we did while preparing for Ro either haha! I think mostly because we now know that a newborn really doesn’t need much and what he will need we already have: clothes, blankets, food, somewhere to sleep – all check, check, check! We do plan to make a room for him but since we just moved it needs painting & furniture, etc. Since Ro slept in our room for almost 6 months & we plan to do the same with this little guy we aren’t in a rush to get his nursery set up.
And of course we’ve missed so many weekly bump pictures, we just grab them when I remember which is barely once a month!
Loved reading this update- you are glowing again Mama and look fantastic! My fave pic, though, s the very last one…so realistic about your life right now 🙂 XO
Thank you!!! Yes, life is just a blur at the moment lol!
Can’t believe he’ll be here soon!
It is wild how quickly it has gone by!!
You look wonderful! Thanks for sharing the nuances/differences in your pregnancies… Interesting how you’re not so rushed to get baby #2 nursery set up as quickly this time around – and that you have Ro’s hand-me-downs when little boy #2 arrives. Good for you on the yoga class, and taking care of YOU!
Oh thank you! Hopefully we don’t end up totally unprepared 😉
You look amazing, and I’m glad you are feeling well! My favorite pics are definitely the ones with Ro running through. That sums up 2nd pregnancy with a toddler to a tee! Hang in there- I feel like the 3rd trimester “senioritis” is so real, but 10x worse with the second pregnancy, haha!
Awe, thank you! Yes, life is definitely a blur lately lol!!