WOW what a month of reading for me! I read some really great books this month and more than usual, linking up with Jana Says & Life according to Steph to share them here.

Truths I Never Told You by Kelly Rimmer 5/5
I LOVED this book! I had previously read The Things We Can Not Say and upon finishing immediately added this one to my hold list, Kelly Rimmer has quickly become a favorite author. Truths I Never Told You was tragically beautiful & heartbreakingly hit close to home for me. It challenges the harsh expectations that society & culture puts on women & mothers through the years as a family story of postpartum depression unravels. I thought the emotions were expressed so well. Though I did not like that near the end a character makes a comment about how postpartum depression seems so much easier now, while there may be more resources available now than ever before we are still very far from an ideal state. Overall this book gave me all the feels!

When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead 5/5
I had seen this on a book list on Dara’s blog and while waiting for one of my holds at my digital library I grabbed this one to fill in my short time. It was such a quick young adult read that I thoroughly enjoyed! This is about a young girl who is getting mysterious messages that make her believe she can stop a tragic death.

Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle 3/5
A couple friends chose to read this for like a little quarantine book club. I thought it was okay, not something I would read again or necessary overly recommend to others but I am not upset I took the time to read it either. At times I was just unsure what the overall message of this book really was. I did not finish it feeling that I was any better off than before or that I gained a bunch of insight. However, I did like the style of writing and it was interesting to hear the perspective of Glennon throughout her life.

Big Lies in a Small Town by Diane Chamberlain 3/5
I am not sure why but it took me a while to get through this book, it felt slow at times and I wasn’t overly motivated to get to the end. I did really like how it ended & once I got close to the end I plowed through to the finish. It was a good story maybe just wrong timing on reading it for me.

Untamed by Glennon Doyle 4/5
Having read Glennon’s previous book and seeing this one everywhere now I decided to pick up this one too to give it a try. I much preferred Untamed! This was a really great book. I enjoyed how each chapter was kind of a mini story on a different topic yet they all seemed to tie together overall. I think it has a strong message & I did finish it feeling more empowered with more knowledge & insight on life.
Thanks for the recommendations Rechelle- adding a few to my list!
Glad you enjoyed Truths I Never Told You. My issue with that book was the insinuation that you can’t take meds and breastfeed, you can if you have the right meds! I loved Big Lies in a Small Town but I have heard people say it was slow to get through. I just read The Dream Daughter by her and loved that one too!
I really want to read Untamed. I haven’t read any other books by Doyle, but I have heard her speak live and she was wonderful.
I have Truths I Never Told You waiting for me on overdrive but due to my own sleep-deprived baby teething stage, Iโm leaning towards comfort reads to help me unwind and relax, but Iโm itching to get to it once I feel emotionally ready for it!
Linking my April reads, if interested
I love the cover of The Truths I Never Told You. I will download it today. Take care. Stay healthy!
I’ve found that some books I’d normally fly through are taking me forever now. I blame the quarantine.
I loved Untamed.
I read The Truths I Never Told You this month and enjoyed it too!
I have Untamed on my kindle right now. I’ve only read a few chapters but am liking what I’ve read thus far. And yes, these days a book has to instantly grab my attention, otherwise I can’t stay focused so slower reads, even excellent ones, have been pushed aside for now.
I cannot wait to get my hands on Untamed. Now, if only the library would open this would be a reality! ๐
yay, i just started Untamed! i’ve heard nothing but good things!
I haven’t read anything from Kelly Rimmer yet – I’ll have to check one out. When You Reach Me sounds very intriguing as well. Thanks for sharing ๐
I can’t wait to read Truths…just waiting for the library hold! I enjoyed Big Lies, but agree that it was a little slow. My latest book reviews ~
Tanya – The Other Side of the Road
Wow! You did read a ton! Good for you! ๐