Today’s Show & Tell link up with Andrea we’re talking all about what is on our phones. I wouldn’t say I am super techie (that’s my hubby!) but I can usually figure out most everything on my phone and I do have a few favorite apps that I regularly use.

I use this app every single week! I always include my Project 52 layout in my Faves on Friday posts too. If you’ve never heard of Becky Higgins/Project Life I highly recommend checking it out, it makes scrap booking and memory keeping SO much easier 

I use this app to make collages to post on social media or right now I make one layout for every week. At the end of the year I’ll be able to order prints to put in a scrapbook or I can just order a book through the app! It will be fun to look back on the days and week that made up our 2017!

I use a couple of grocery rebate apps but Ibotta is my favorite! It has more of the products I buy so I can maximize my earnings, plus it is really easy to use. I just pull up the app when I get home from grocery shopping and scan my things as I put them away so it really doesn’t add much more time to my routine and I can earn a little money here and there.

I discovered justWink cards a few years ago and fell in love! They can be SO funny sometimes or touch your heart, they are always spot on for me. I still give/send actual cards for birthdays and other events but I love to send these e-cards too! I think it is just a fun way to share with others, these are especially perfect for holidays that you wouldn’t normally send a card – like St. Patrick’s or Cinco de Mayo =]

When we decided to go cruelty-free in our household and I began following Beagle Freedom Project closely I found this next app. I use it to track our walks and it raises money for animal welfare organizations based on the distance you walk, we chose to support Beagle Freedom Project with our miles! I enjoy being able to see how many walks/miles we get in each week, month, and year too.

Of course Target had to make my top list! I’ve been a redcard holder since 2012 and using Cartwheel since 2013. I usually browse this app weekly and definitely before I make a trip to Target! Sometimes I do fall into the trap of buying things I don’t need but most times this app has offers on items I really do frequently buy.

This is the app I use for music, I do have a subscription but we have a family plan we share with a couple others so its a great deal! I’ve rarely not been able to find a song I’m looking for and I love their radio suggestions based on time of day or season or what I’ve been listening to. I download my faves so I don’t have to stream when I’m away from wifi.

Of course there is Taylor Swift
And finally this 90’s radio station is just my jam!

OH AND Google Photos holds every single picture I take of the beags, as there are quite a bit
What apps or music do you have on your phone? Anything I should be using?
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