Its another Show & Tell with Andrea at Momfessionals, we’re sharing the things that make us US! Our quirks, nicknames, phobias, you know know all those little things that make us who we are and different from one another. We’re all a little weird right? π
I’ve pretty much always just been Rechelle to most people, with just a few nicknames. My dad often calls me Chelle and growing up I was Chelle Chelle. My best friend, Jenelle, and I will often call each other Elle or Rechellie/Jenellie.
I may not have many nicknames but we’ve given our beagles plenty of nicknames! We’ve got Henry and Harold, more commonly referred to as Hank and Hal.
Some of Hank’s nicknames include: Henrico (for when he is being crazy), Hen Hen, Hanklin, which lead for Janklin.
Some of Hal’s nicknames include: Haraldo, Fettuccine Haraldo, Harry, Haroldini, which lead to Dino (pronounced dean-yo), which then lead to Bean-yo.
So yes, we are probably confusing our dogs with all the names we refer to them as π
I can’t really say I have a big phobia of any one thing. I don’t like bugs or creepy crawly things but I don’t usually freak out over them too much. I guess I would say I’m more paranoid than anything lol. I have an irrational fear that something will happen to Hank & Hal while we’re not home, like a mirror will fall on them or that they will escape the house/yard.
Oh, but I do absolutely hate peanut butter! I’ve gotten better over the years and can handle making a sandwich for someone or using it in a recipe. Which is the interesting thing…I hate peanut butter as is on a sandwich or used as a dip, but I don’t mind it in a recipe like cookies. Its just too much, the smell, the mess getting all stuck in your mouth. Too! Much! Just strawberry jelly for me please π
I’d say I’m pretty quirky. I’ve got a bit of OCD and there are a few things that I prefer to do a certain specific way. Though I will say it doesn’t ruin my day if I can’t do it my specific way.
- I prefer to eat sandwiches by eating all the crust first or just eating around the edges of like a burger.
- I pick all the chocolate off a 3 Musketeers first and then enjoy the nougat.
- In public restrooms I much prefer the 3rd stall and I’ll even wait until it is vacant sometimes.
- I like to try to match/color coordinate my socks and underwear to my outfit.
- I’ll go out of my way to step on a leaf that looks crunchy. It’s disappointing when it isn’t too.
- Sometimes the engineer in me goes a little too far in my personal life. I’m constantly thinking about the efficiency of things…the way the dishes should be arranged in the dishwasher, bills in my wallet, or the order of completing cleaning tasks.
- I prefer to set my alarm clock at a random time. For example, our alarm clock each morning during the week is set for 5:32. I’d rather set my alarm for a few minutes before or after instead of exactly on the hour or half hour.
- I love mail! I love sending it or receiving it! Even if I check the mailbox and its just junk mail, I still love it. Plus it is better than a day of no mail. I even made my Husband visit the Postal Museum in D.C. when we went on our honeymoon. I think when I retire I’d like to work at a small town post office. I just love mail!
Those are just a few of the things that make me who I am! What are the quirks, phobias, and nicknames that make you unique?
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