I’m linking up with Andrea @ Momfessionals for Show & Tell Tuesday, but on a Wednesday! I went with actual things/objects here and left people/pets out. I tried to not pick the obvious, like family or food, because certainly family would be the top of my list.

1. Books. I love to read. I always have. I’ve had fallout’s and haven’t always been diligent about keeping with it. I’ve never stopped enjoying it though and I’m in a pretty good groove now I think. See my monthly book reviews here, here, and here.

Books Always Nearby on my Nightstand

To Read Book Stack
2. Planner. I don’t recall using a planner in HS but I truly think I survived college in large part to my planner. I included homework and test dates, along with social events and other little milestones. I still have all my planners from college and I enjoy looking back at the things I had going on – it’s like a real life “On This Day” from Facebook. I developed such a deep love and ritual that I’m still using a yearly planner. Even though I’m not quite as busy I use it to meal plan and just track some of the things we do or have scheduled.

Planners 2010-2016

Inside Shot From College Days – Busy Busy

Inside Shot Post College – Not Nearly As Busy
3. Jewelry. I feel so lost without at least earrings in everyday – I think I got this one from my mom because I notice she always has at least earrings too. Mostly I just wear studs daily and I have a couple of plain ones that I use for days when I’m just cleaning at home – yes, even when I know I won’t be leaving the house it still doesn’t feel right without earrings – call me crazy! I also am a big fan of rings, so I’ve usually got one of those on for good measure too 😉

My Jewelry Table

One Side – Everyday Jewels

Other Side – Special Jewels
What are three things you can’t live without?
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