On Thursday Ronald will be 5 months old! We’ve sized up to size 3 diapers and he wears 3-6 months as well as some 6-9 month clothes.

He has rolled both tummy to back and back to tummy several times. Those arms still get a little sticky and in the way sometimes so he hasn’t mastered it but when he gets them right he has figured out how to roll.

He is a pro at getting a couple of his favorite teethers in to his mouth. It is neat that he can recognize his teethers and what to do with them, though he hasn’t shown signs of teething just yet ๐

He is getting close to being able to sit most unassisted and when we recline him back he tries so desperately to do a crunch and sit up. Since he much prefers to be upright we assembled his walker to sit him in there which he really enjoys and he mostly sits in his little froggy chair at the table while we eat.

He has started screeching along with blowing raspberries to communicate when he isn’t happy, is over something, or just generally wants to do something else. It is kind of funny but also like okay, yes son we see & hear you! lol

Ronald has completely transitioned out of the swaddle and is now in a sleep sack for bedtime. Sleep can still be hit or miss, some nights he only has his one wake up for his middle of the night feeding and other nights he wakes up every hour or so. I’ve figured out the trick to getting him to nap longer is that right as he starts to stir after 30 minutes to rock him and get him back to sleep for another 30+ minutes.

We’re enjoying our time with Ronald and watching him grow and learn every single day! In some ways parenting is getting easier and in some it is just adjusting and adapting to our new normal. Ronald is starting to become very interested in Hank & Hal, loves to watch what they’re up to and will reach to pet them when they are close, he’s even grabbed Hank’s ear for a little taste hehe! We’ve made quite a few trips out & about as a family now, took our first trip to the library for new books to read, and we love to spend time outside <3
Awww precious boy- I LOVE his swimsuit- is is so adorable! He looks like he has the best personality ๐
It is so fun to see his personality really start to come out! ๐
He is just the cutest!
Eek! 5 months… heโs growing in so many ways… and has the best outfits. A wonderful family – humans and beagles!
Thanks Laurie! I have fun dressing him ๐