Tomorrow marks 4 months for Ronald! He doesn’t have his doctor’s appointment until next week though, so we won’t know his official stats until then. He weighed in at almost 16lbs here at home though!! Our pediatrician had said to expect him to double his birth weight by 6 months and well, he did that before 4 months haha, I think he is longer though because he doesn’t have many rolls. A lot of people guess he is 6 months when we’re out & about too so I think Ronald just looks big!

He is well in to all his 3-6 month clothes! And I think we’re getting close to sizing up again in diapers to size 3, probably just once we’re out of size 2 I won’t buy any more and we’ll just move up.

Ronald has been fighting some naps, especially at daycare. As a result I think it makes him get overtired and then fussy, so it is always hard to hear his report on those days when I pick him up from daycare. But then we’ve been seeing more nights where he is sleeping 8+ hours and I have to get him up to feed him! We’ve also seen a couple tough nights though too…one night it took me 2 hours just to get him down for bed, then another couple he woke up and fussed for an hour or so around midnight. I would say most nights are pretty good though and he sleeps about 7 hours the first stretch and then 4 hours the next. We are still swaddling him but bought a couple wearable blankets so we can start transitioning him.

Still following a loose schedule of eating every 2-3 hours followed by play, and then a nap. Ronald does well with getting out & about with us too. I take him grocery shopping, my mom has taken him to Target multiple times, we’ve attended baby showers & a grad party as well!
Ronald likes putting his hands & fingers to his mouth, he often tries to get them in there while he is eating too which isn’t so helpful. He is babbling more & more, sometimes while he is eating and I have to remind him that we’ll talk after he’s finished eating and to get back to the task at hand lol! He loves books and the little links that make toys hang. He is a big fan of odd noises, so we’re all constantly making noises to distract & entertain him! Speaking of fans, Ronald loves looking up at things, especially the fans in the house. We will catch him gawking and say Oh look, it’s your #1 fan 😉

My absolute FAVORITE thing that Ronald has been doing lately is while he is calmly eating or when I’m holding him in my arms as he falls asleep, he will move him arm and rub his hand across my chest. I can tell it is a comfort thing for him and I just love seeing & feeling how relaxed he is and feels safe.

Goodness, 4 months already! He’s growing so quickly. Sounds like he’s an interactive little boy. I know you and Ron stimulate/encourage him with speech, reading, and music – that’s great. Wait til he starts crawling after the beagles! Enjoy each day!
SO fast! Oh my goodness once he is on the move we’ll be in more trouble. The beags already keep us on our toes, so I’m sure they’ll become quite the trio! 😉
Precious boy getting so big! Have fun with the doctor’s visit 🙂 You should be proud Mama XO
Thank you Holly!!!! <3
Aw, happy 4 months!
Thank you! 🙂