Last Thursday Ronald turned 2 months old! Month two is much improved, mostly we’ve just gotten into a little routine and have hit our stride. I can’t believe that I have less than 3 weeks left at home with this little love before heading back to work!

This month Ronald has started giving us longer stretches of sleep at night which makes everyone happier! Still not super consistent but he goes anywhere from 4-6 hours between his last feed of the night and waking up needing to be fed again, once he almost went 7 hours!!

He is also more awake and alert during the day which is fun but also makes it hard to get other things done lol. Our pattern is usually eat, play, sleep. And boy does he know eating comes after sleep because he usually wakes up screaming for his next meal 😉

Ronald started smiling at us this month, trying to coo & talk, and just 2 days before 2 months he rolled over for me multiple times during tummy time!!

One of his favorite spots is his changing pad, HA! I think because it is up high and he enjoys looking around, so after we change him we usually leave him laying there for a bit while he is happy – playing, talking, & reading. He also really likes to be held so that he is looking over your shoulder!

Ronald has started noticing Hank & Hal and will track them around the room. Hank & Hal are becoming more curious and hanging around too!

Lots of love around this home and we’re in awe of watching Ronald GROW <3

Oh he is just the sweetest!! I am so impressed by his sleeping already too!
He is growing oh so fast!!! Glad everyone is getting a bit more sleep!
Oh what a darling boy! And 2 months already… Love the dog chair! Why don’t they make such cute things for adults?
I love that he loves to look around! How cute!