This was the month of teeth!! In a matter of a few days it seemed like Ro cut 3 teeth, he went from 4 teeth last month to now 7! He’s almost a whopping 22lbs and gives us quite the workout lugging him around!
He is a pro at clapping! He actually understands it now too and will clap for himself when he does something or is excited. He claps for the dogs when they get all riled up!
This month Ronald has started making the funniest faces, they kill me! He will scrunch up his nose and kind of squint his eyes when he is kind of observing or checking something out. I haven’t caught it yet on camera because it happens pretty quick!
Ro is babbling more & more. He can say Dada but he isn’t quite yet to the point of intentionally saying words so I’m still hopeful that Mama will be his first actual word 😉
He is really good at standing but can’t pull himself up yet. Crawling is still not an interest of his lol!
He gets quite distracted these days and likes to see what is going on around him. As such we go in to his room with only a dim light where it is quiet to nurse, otherwise he is looking around every 15 seconds lol. But I enjoy the moments with him, more & more I try to really be present because I know our days breastfeeding will eventually come to an end. My absolute favorite is how excited he gets for his morning & bedtime feeds, he knows it is coming and can’t contain his excitement! While nursing he’ll reach for my hands or rub my back & belly, of course sometimes he is hitting & scratching me too lol. But the best is when he starts to sit up like he is all finished and then quick has to go back for a little bit more.