I awoke around 2am on Easter Sunday & felt the pillow between my legs was slightly damp, upon standing up to go to the bathroom there was trickle down my legs. I remained pretty calm, went to the bathroom, grabbed some towels & such and went back to bed to try to sleep some more. Upon getting back in bed Ron asked me if I was ok & I told him my water may have broke but was very minimal. Of course we were both pretty wide awake at the thought of possibly having our baby. He was immediately googling how to get better ASAP because he had a pretty bad cough though he wasn’t feeling sick anymore as he was recovering, but we were a little worried with all the Covid precautions if he’d be allowed in the hospital with me. I started having some very mild contractions and so by 3am I called my midwives just to check in, they agreed on trying to get more rest, then eat breakfast, & come in in the morning.

Oh what a beautiful story- so glad you had such a wonderful experience XO
Sounds like a great experience and how it should be!