Gosh, 9months feels so so close to a whole year, can’t believe our Reecey bug is so big! Last week at his well check he was 20lbs, 29.25inches long, and as always a head circumference in the 97th percentile 😉 Both our boys, well actually Ron too, have big noggins!Â

Reece is everywhere & in everything these days! He crawls around, pulls to stand, cruises along furniture, and has such a curiosity for every tiny little thing. No doubt he’ll be walking then running soon and we’ll really be busy keeping up with him.

We wave & dance, hug & kiss, and “talk” quite a bit. This month Reece has found great comfort in holding/rubbing my hair, I can tell he is getting sleepy if he gently starts playing with my hair and he’ll hold it as he falls asleep when I rock him. And then other times he pulls my hair or pulls my earrings 

Just in the last week we’ve seen a top tooth that looks like it is starting to make an appearance. And similar to big brother, Ro, Reece has developed a preference for Mama which isn’t too surprising considering I spend a lot more time with the boys now that I am home with them <3

What a happy and sweet little boy and Ro looks like such a proud big brother! 🙂