Oh 7 months with our Reecey Peecey!

He teethed for the entire month it seemed & finally within just days of each other those 2 bottom ones cut through. We’re hopeful that once he’s over this cold then maybe we’ll get sleep in longer than 2hr increments.

Reece gets around real well these days & is just starting to try hands & knees crawling from his army crawl. And in true form, being opposite from his big brother, Reece gets in to nearly everything. We hardly had to baby proof with Ro, he didn’t get in to things we didn’t want him to & almost nothing went to his mouth. We have to watch Reece carefully because he’ll quickly get where he shouldn’t & most everything goes straight to his mouth. I’ve gotta relocate a couple snake plants that were residing on the floor!

These brothers have the hardest time keeping away & off one another! Ro loves to be touching or petting Reece and Reece will seek him out too, trying to play with Ro’s tractors. It seems they already are attempting to wrestle too so that’s fun lol.

So so grateful for all the time I get to spend watching Reece grow!
OH my gosh he just looks like the happiest baby ever! LOVE the pic on the carousel and the one of the boys together in the grocery cart! Sooo sweet 🙂
He really is SO happy! The carousel one is definitely a favorite & oh gosh, the comments those 2 get at the grocery store together lol!