Two weeks ago Reece turned 5 months old! He’s about 16.5 lbs, our big boy!

Reece rolls almost immediately when placed on his back. He’ll roll and wiggle and reach and just generally move himself about. He’d rather skip sitting and just wants to stand instead, we’ve been trying to work more on sitting so that he can get ready for the high chair & food soon! Reece just wants to keep up with everyone else!

He definitely thinks big brother is the funniest. Reece is always watching Ro to see what he is up to and laughs best for him. This last month it has been really sweet to see their bond form, Ro really truly loves to help with Reece – he’ll tell him good morning, give him hugs & kisses before bed, bring him toys, shows concern & offers comfort when Reece cries, and of course enjoys trying to get some laughs 😉

We’re mostly covered in drool over here, lol. Reece puts EVERYTHING in his mouth these days and especially likes to chew on his silicone teethers. Sleep continues to improve and Reece continues to just be our happy little guy!

Oh he is just the sweetest!! I could eat him up! 🙂
He’s super cute!