4 months of RPM! He had his well check recently and our big boy came in at 14.6lbs and 27in, with a head in the 90+ percentile. Reece is 97+ percentile for length which is crazy to us, most of his length is in his torso.
The last month has been filled with a happy happy happy guy! I call him my sweets or tootie lol. He is just generally easy going & smiley.
He has started more consistently rolling so we’ve been working on transitioning him out of his swaddle. And he is constantly trying to sit up, always crunching to lift that head!
Reece gave us a couple weeks of sleeping well from 6/7pm until 4/5/6am. In the last week or 2 we’ve seen some regression with more wake-ups through the night. Often the wake ups just require a quick paci replacement or little shushing, and usually one feed after midnight because he gets hungry.
Reece likes to EAT! He still won’t really go longer than 2-3 hours between feeds during the day, which is just fine.
He is quite the drooly babe already, which is totally new to us since even when teething Ro never really was. And since Reece has discovered his hands they are always in his mouth!
Oh he is the sweetest- love the pics of the boys together- they look like they are loving each other so much!
The cutest!