Eleven months of Reece Patrick! He has FOUR teeth now, I feel part shocked because Ronald had double that amount at this age, another part of me is torn & wants the rest to hurry up and arrive so the teething can be over while also thinking no please, no more teeth or teething lol!

Reece is such a JOY! He is silly, loving – he gives the best hugs & snuggles, and well his hair still just easily brings a smile to any face.

He is also getting quite spicy, lol! Reece will yell, like actually screech, at his brother if he comes near him when he doesn’t want him to or if Ro takes something from him or generally does something Reece does not like. The tantrums are also beginning to emerge as he will really get in all the feels when something does not go his way. And he can turn the spice factor up real high, real quick!

Reece is starting to stand on his own without holding anything for a few seconds here & there, he terribly wants to walk and I do think he might be there by his 1st birthday. Otherwise for now he crawls & climbs EVERYTHING! His favorite thing to do is to climb anything he can. I mostly let him explore but oof there are a few times where he makes me nervous!

Reece is so social! I told my husband recently that he gives my introverted self anxiety lol. We go to a play group on Tuesdays, I can sit Reece down in the room & literally not pick him up until we leave an hour later. He crawls to play & visit with every single other kid & adult, leaving Ro & I to do our own thing.
We’re excited to celebrate our boy next month!!
Oh my gosh- LOVED reading this- cracked up at the “spicy” part…he seems like such a joy and a character- enjoy Rechelle!