I truly can not believe that we’ve been a family of four with Reece for one month now! It’s been the fastest month of my life I think. At his one month appointment Reece came in at 9lbs 11oz and 22.5 inches long, he’s growing so quick and doing well! And just like Daddy & big brother Ro, he’s got a head that is greater than 90th percentile lol!

Ron took an entire month off work with his paternity leave and we kept Ro home from daycare for the month too so we could all be home to adjust to our new fam. It certainly was not easy as we all worked to figure out the new normal. Ro has done so well with Reece and really does love him, he’ll give unprompted hugs, kisses, and head pets lol. He is always saying “that’s my baby”, calls him Reece-y pieces, and shows concern when he cries.

It’s funny how the second child we have so much less worry & stress over the newborn, way less googling all the little things, ha! The hard parts have been the lack of sleep of course and learning how to parent Ro through such a sudden & huge life change. As expected, he’s had some difficult times and so have we.

Reece is still figuring out sleep, those first couple weeks were hard to be honest! It does finally feel like it’s catching on though or we’re just getting used to it 😉 By the end of the month he’s become so much more alert & holding his head up to really check everything out. He’s definitely a Mama’s boy and we all love him so big!!

They are so cute together!
Thank you, Ro sure has been loving on his little brother💙
Yeah Mama! He is so beautiful- so so very happy for you all!
Thank you so much!