I’m joining a couple new to me link ups, What We’re Reading Wednesday with Stephanie at Wife, Mommy, Me as well as Growing in Gratitude with Julie at Fall into Life.

I actually finished this one in January but it was after I published my reviews for the month so I’m adding it here. This one was SO GOOD, I highly recommend it! I’ve become a big fan of Ginger Zee over the last few years after she became the Chief Meteorologist for Good Morning America. Ginger is from Michigan and following her on Instagram especially is just my favorite! Reading her memoir was so real and raw, it was incredible getting to learn more about her past and what makes her who she is. Ginger spoke about the struggles as a female meteorologist and I related because they felt pretty similar to the struggles of being a female engineer – both being male dominated fields. She also talks about mental health in her book which I thought was very brave. This was a quick read for me and I’d suggest it to anyone looking for some girl power 😉

I truly LOVED this book! I so enjoyed getting a look into the girls’ lives and a little peek into a presidential family. I’m not huge into politics either but this book made me see just how normal the First Family is too. I laughed, cried, and just overall felt good about this one. Being/having a sister is one of my greatest joys & blessings in life and I loved getting to hear from 2 others sisters that really are just like me too 🙂 My biggest take away was just being more conscious of the things we may say or do to others and how that ripple effects other lives too. Both Jenna & Barbara spoke about how their lives were effected either by hearing cruel words about their father they loved dearly, facing scrutiny on a college campus, seeing horribly negative articles on magazines while simply grocery shopping, etc.

Last month I read Wonder, you can see my January book review here, so I requested this one from my library this month. Auggie & Me is the stories of 3 other characters in the book Wonder. It was a really quick read and I enjoyed getting perspective from some of Auggie’s closest classmates that were present in the first book.

I just picked this book up a week ago so I’m not actually finished with it but I’m confident I will wrap it up before the end of the month so I wanted to add it here. This book is a goodie! It had me nodding my head and saying “Same girl. Same.” I connected so much with this author and she felt so real & human. I wouldn’t say the content was anything profound but certainly words I enjoyed hearing and things I could use to be reminded of. It is books like these that I read that keep me striving and on track to being the better person I want to be 🙂

Follow me on Goodreads and keep up with what I’m reading here. I have finished 8 books of my goal 36 so far this year! I usually slow down a bit in the summer when life just seems to get busier so I am happy to be ahead in my reading right now 😉 What are you reading?
Growing in Gratitude is a monthly link up where we list 5 things we were grateful for during the month. I was so happy to come across this link up and am excited to join, the idea is simple and I think it is awesome to find things to be grateful for in everyday life!

1. I am grateful for our new car! That we are in a position as a young couple to be able to make this purchase is something we are both proud of and we’re happy to know my daily driver is so much more reliable now.

2. Girlfriends! I am so grateful to have these ladies in my life and I treasure when we can get together and the time spent with one another.

3. Healthy beags. These 2 had their annual vet check up this month and I was grateful to hear they are thriving!

4. A thoughtful husband. One day my husband went out to lunch with co-workers and he specifically saved some for me to take for lunch the next day! He knows I hate wasting leftovers which means I typically won’t go out for lunch at work. It was super yummy BBQ too!

5. Messes of fluff to pick up. I say it often but I truly try to be grateful as I crawl around my floors picking up fluff from dog toys lol. I think of how much joy was had creating the messes! And my heart aches at the thought of the day when there will not be fluff all over my floors.

What were you grateful for this month?
Owww I love all of your book suggestions- thanks for sharing! Thanks for also sharing these fun linkups- love the gratitude one- will have to participate!
Was definitely a good reading month for me! I love fun linkups too, thanks for stopping by! 🙂
My son is reading Auggie and Me!
I was REALLY good, wrapped up the Wonder story so well for me!
I just finished Sisters First and really enjoyed it! I’ve added Tell Me More to my to read list! Thanks for the suggestions!
Awesome, thanks for stopping by Amber!
I’ve really enjoyed all of Kelly Corrigan’s other books, so that one is definitely on my list – glad to hear it’s good! And I loved Wonder – definitely going to have to check out this follow up.
Popping over from the linkup… happy reading 🙂
This was my first book of Kelly’s so I’ll be adding her others to my list 😉 And yes, Auggie & Me is a must if you enjoyed Wonder! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
I am loving that new car!! Always a blessing. <3 Thank you for linking up with us!
Thanks Trista, yes it is! 🙂
I love your list! Thanks for linking up with us! Oh, I liked “Sisters First” too!