Another month down means another review of my Petit Vour subscription box. I think this is my 5th or 6th box now and I’m still loving the variety! January included a shampoo and conditioner, nail polish, and a misting toner. It also had my favorite art to date, I even searched out a little frame to set it out with my valentine’s decor!

Lauren B. Beauty Nail Couture $18
Initially I did not love this color when I first got it (not a huge fan of purple) but then I warmed up to it. When I actually painted my nails I was loving it, it went on really smooth and the polish is nice and thick so it really only required one coat! It claims to last 2 weeks so we’ll see, I’ve only had it on for about a week now. I should also note that I really dislike painting my fingernails for the most part because they get chippy so quickly. So this might be the solution!

EVLOVh Ultra Shine Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner $17
These smell divine! I’ve only used them once though since for some reason I got it in my head to save it for after I get my hair cut this weekend. I do only wash my hair every other day and I have found before that some shampoos/conditioners leave my hair too greasy to fit my schedule. I didn’t notice that with this but it is a must for me!

Blissoma Tonique $32
I’ve been using this in my nightly routine after I cleanse but before I moisturize. I really like the smell as it is quite refreshing! I can’t say I’ve noticed any outstanding results other than it is really quite hydrating.

This box felt like it was short on product when I opened it, however the nail polish alone was full size and made up for the cost of the box so it was like everything else was freebies! See my other Petit Vour reviews here.

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