Today I wanted to share the beginning of Ron & I, how we met.
I was a freshman and he was a sophomore at Kettering University in the Summer of 2009. I went to his Fraternity house one evening for dinner, joining my suite mate, who was dating a guy in the Fraternity. After dinner my friend snuck off and as I was searching the house for her I came across Ron working on the differential of his Corvette in a spare room. I had no clue what he was doing but he was friendly and I was lost. He had on shorts, a white tshirt and I’m pretty sure flip flops as well, which probably wasn’t the safest. I’ll be honest it smelled awful in that little room, lots of strong fluids, and when I see a bottle of Royal Purple gear oil still to this day it takes me back.

We had a lot of Fazoli’s dates 🙂

This next one cracks me up because Ron is totally checking me out! These photos are all from that first summer term.

After meeting Ron he became a friendly face and at least someone I knew whenever I tagged along as a third wheel with my friend and her boyfriend. Well until her boyfriend took it upon himself to invite Ron along on dinner and movie dates so that I wasn’t a third wheel anymore. It was awkward for both of us. Eventually they broke up though while Ron and I kept finding excuses to see each other.

This all happened pretty quick, though I don’t remember thinking that at the time. School only started on July 13 and we made it “Facebook Official” on August 12, 2009. I took him home for Labor Day weekend, he took me to meet his extended family in Port Huron. From October through December we literally spent EVERY single weekend together. I went home with him to Arizona in December and we ended up moving into an apartment together in April 2010.

Now I do feel like I need to explain a little bit about how Kettering functions. We went to school for 3 months and then switched and worked full time jobs for the next 3 months, then back to school and then ended the year back at work. Yes, this mean we moved every 3 months too. So when work term came around in April we were both looking for options to live. I was working in Flint and Ron was working in Auburn Hills. My parents did not want me living alone in Flint but I didn’t know anyone else working in the area and Ron didn’t really want to live in a one bedroom apartment with 5 people again. So we thought up the idea to share an apartment halfway between our 2 jobs, which landed us in Holly.

We lived in the same apartment complex every other 3 months for the rest of our college careers! When I think back on the early years of our relationship I think of the town of Holly, that little $500/month apartment and all the cheap stuff we filled it with – and I smile.

We moved in to our house 2 years ago yesterday and it is so neat to think about how far we’ve come and how much farther we’ve got to go.
[…] our families soon after the excitement of our engagement! You can read more of Our Story here: How We Met, Our College Years, and Keeping Our Marriage Strong. Please follow and like […]