Sharing a brief recap of our long break over the holidays! We spent a lot of time together, much like the rest of the year, checked off many things on our house to do list, ate well, napped, and all around enjoyed our time.
I stuffed Ron & Ro’s stockings the night before Christmas Eve, my family was coming over to stay with us Christmas Eve and I didn’t want to worry about having to stuff the stockings then. So I snapped a quick pic of what they were each filled with!
I had made sugar cookie dough Wednesday so we baked & frosted our cookies on Christmas Eve together! It was tasty & fun ๐
Ro was also particularly cute as I read him a book & then later as we did a family puzzle.
Christmas morning was early but slow. Ron & I worked together to make bacon, eggs, & German pancakes before we opened presents. The present opening was a bit slow as Ro wanted to play with everything as he opened it ๐
The rest of break we enjoyed our new things, spending time together, getting outside….though I have to admit, I did pull several of Ro’s Christmas gifts to hide away for later. I am hoping that having new things to pull out in April during my maternity leave will come in clutch while transitioning to life with a toddler & newborn lol!!
We made a trip to our old house for some very last things & I tried to snap a few photos of Ro in his first bedroom for the last time.ย
New Year’s Eve we stayed home & had our own little party ๐ we had an assortment of snack type foods for dinner & took part in a dance party haha. I ended my night with a face mask & bath and certainly asleep before midnight!
We cooked together, snuggled, played, and the absolute best might’ve been the video Ron got while sledding! We refer to Ronald as Bubba sometimes and he has decided recently to call himself Bubby instead, the “Yay, Bubby” just melts my heart!!!
Such wonderful memories…he is such a happy little boy….looks like he had a blast….love your new home and you look beautiful Mama!
Thank you thank you, Holly!
I always smile when I look at your photos! Bubby is a super cute nickname! Gabbie called herself Bobbie when she was little!
Thanks Dara, happy to provide a smile ๐ Too funny about Gabbie when she was little!
Happy New Year! I hope all is well with you and all of your guys (2 legged, 4 pawed, and in utero). Love your new house – it looks so open. Are you settled in? Ro is growing up so fast! Take care of yourself… look forward to more posts from you!
Happy New Year to you as well Laurie! We are mostly settled, majority of the rooms & things are unpacked but still lots of little things to do, then of course bigger tasks like paint & make it our own. All in time it will come together! Thank you ๐