Today I just wanted to take the time to brag a little on my husband, Ron. I know I don’t always mention him much here on the blog but he totally deserves to be celebrated!

I very briefly mentioned that he finished school in December but he deserves so much more than that little mention – we didn’t really do anything special since it was right before the holidays & so busy… BUT SERIOUSLY guys, he completed his Master’s Degree in engineering!!! As if completing 4.25 years of engineering undergrad and then working full time in the auto industry upon graduation weren’t enough he went back to school for another 2.5 years while also working towards his dream job!

The last 2.5 years while he was completing his Master’s were not easy. Some semesters he had class twice a week after work (in which he wouldn’t get home until after I’d already gone to bed) and some semester’s he had class on Saturday mornings until noon or 1pm, he even took courses through the summer! He’d have nights where he worked all day but was so busy with work that he had to bring work home and still had to fit in homework/studying at some point. And obviously the Saturday classes tweaked our weekends too. But we made it through and now he jokes that he isn’t sure what to do with all this extra time ๐

I am just incredibly PROUD of the hard work my husband has put in. He has an immense amount of passion for what he does and he inspires me every single day. Even still, with Ron now having 2 engineering degrees he still tells me that I’m the smart one – and that is just who he is, its a perfect example of how humble & kindhearted he truly is – and sometimes I really do believe it because I know that is just how much he believes in me!

Ron, you’re my whole heart and I am beyond thankful, grateful, and honored to call you my husband.
That is amazing! Congrats to Ron AND you of course! What an accomplishment- I can understand why you are proud ๐
Thank you Holly! ๐
The support & love of a spouse is unlike anything else! You must be so proud! Congrats to you guys & heres to enjoying weekends together!
So true, Sam!!! Thank you so much, happy to have our weekends free again ๐