I am linking up with Shay & Erika for this month’s Let’s Look in which we are sharing our calendars! You can see my previous posts from the Let’s Look linkup here.
I’ve shared about my use of a planner before here. I’ve been using a paper planner every single year since my college years and I feel lost without it! These days I don’t need one that is too fancy or bulky. I found May Designs and it has been perfect!! Small enough to tote around with me daily and big enough to capture everything I need 🙂
Usually I track appointments for anyone in the family, events, birthdays/anniversaries, and our meals for the week.
This year we also started using an App called Cozi. This has been an easy way to have a shared calendar between my husband & I. He’ll add any events of significance that he might have going on and I’ll add mine. Plus I also enter in our meal plan here too so we can see our options on the go – he’ll reference it at work before he heads home so he can let me know what he might be feeling & I can get started on it.
I imagine as our family grows things will get busier and I might have to adapt but for now these calendars have served me well!
This is cute Rechelle- I am addicted to my Outlook calendar so don’t know I could ever go back to paper- they are making such cute calendars and planners nowadays though so it’s very tempting!
I can see why online calendars are so convenient though!
I only use paper planners and haven’t been able to adapt to using a shared online one, although I know it would be useful!
We’re figuring it out but I can’t let go of my paper planner! 😉
I am A mixed media calendar person. For personal stuff, I have a folded paper calendar booklet thing that I keep in my purse. That’s it. At work I use shared schedule software. I also have a large 3 month at a glance paper calendar for reference – but I don’t write on it. I use sticky notes on this calendar for personal appts after work so I know to leave at the right time. Confusing, huh?
I love the idea of using sticky notes though, especially since things can change and I hate having to cross things out to write them again…
I need that App! Thank you for sharing this because I really need something that my husband and I can both use and edit- wherever we are!
It’s so nice for both of us to be able to use, hope you find you like it too! 🙂