Linking up for Let’s Look with Shay & Erika, this month looking in to what a typical day looks like for us!

I start my day with an alarm at 5:11a. Though Ro does still wake me up once in the night to nurse, usually around 2 or 3am. I get around and then feed the beags & let them outside.

Then I’m packing lunches and eating breakfast. Once I’m all packed up, teeth brushed, and ready for work then I wake Ro up to feed him, or sometimes lately he is already awake and just babbling away so I’ll have him join me for breakfast while my husband is getting around.

I head out while my husband takes over and gets Ronald ready & off to daycare. I usually either listen to an audiobook, our local Public Radio station, or music from my phone on my drive to work. I’m one of the first to arrive to work in my area so things are pretty quiet in the morning. I head to the lactation room every 2-3 hours and take my laptop with me to work while I’m pumping, except at lunch then I eat π

At 4p I’m headed out to pick Ro up from daycare! It is so fun now that he recognizes us and gets excited to see me! Once we’re home it is a blur of unpacking lunches, washing bottles, getting in dinner, nursing Ro and getting him ready for bed, along with giving the beags attention too of course! Basically I get home around 5p and am doing bedtime routine by 7p, usually when I look back and think about it I am amazed at what we fit in to those 2 hours! But that meant I didn’t snap any pictures during that time because it is just GO TIME for me π Last night was bath night and while the picture below is from last week it is still what our time looked like.

Usually Ro is down for the night around 7:30p. We’ll finish cleaning up or getting things ready for the night and then have a little time to ourselves, sometimes I’ll work out or just relax. I’ve adjusted my routine to shower at night because it is just easier and also set my clothes out for the next day at night too.

We try to be in bed around 9/9:30, which is really hard in the summer because it is still light out and there are other things we’d like to do but I’ve found it just isn’t worth it to stay up late. We never know when Ro might have a rough night and need all the sleep we can get! Plus I’m always up with him around 2-3a for a middle of the night feed. That is what our typical day looks like! Nothing too exciting and a bit of a whirl wind right now but I know this is just a season and plus the routine is working really well for us!

Oh I do not miss those days of mid-night feedings; I was awful when I wasn’t getting a full night’s sleep! I still tend to fall asleep by 9:30 though even if I do want to stay up later it pretty much never happens.
I’ve adjusting surprisingly well and it doesn’t bother me too much anymore. But I do hate the nights when I struggle to fall back asleep after feeding him, so frustrating!
You are amazing and you have made a beautiful life Rechelle! XO
I love that you are calling Ronald Ro! How cute. Thanks for sharing a typical day!
My Mom started calling him Ro very early on and it is starting to stick for me π I think it’s unique and so cute!
What a day in the life of R, R, R, H and H! π. Like Holly said – a beautiful life.
We’ve got a lot going on and it’s a hot mess most of the time but I wouldn’t trade my boys for the world!
You are so good at time management! And how much are you loving The Mother-in-Law?? I thought it was fantastic!
Thank you! College really helped me develop strong time management but being an engineer too I try my best to be efficient π The Mother-in-Law is so good! I find myself sitting in my car parked still listening even though I’ve arrived lol