It’s that time again, I’m linking up with Sheaffer and Shay for another What’s Up Wednesday post…here is what we’ve been up to lately!
What we’re eating this week…
Lettuce from our garden! As I prepped for our first garden this year I read that lettuce grows fast & fierce so only plant a couple seeds and then a few weeks later a couple more, so you have lettuce growing all summer. Well, I did only plant seeds for 3 plants and we can’t even keep up with that!

What I’m reminiscing about…
We finished our fence up around this time last year and I’m reminiscing about letting the beags run free for the first time at home!

What I’m loving…
My blooming flowers! This is the first time I’ve grown anything from seed and it has been so satisfying watching the garden and flowers prosper.

What we’ve been up to…
Lots of celebrating! First it was my birthday, then Hank & Hals birthdays and finally Ron’s birthday!
What I’m dreading…
Not a single thing that I can think of!
What I’m working on…
Letting my hair grow out so that I can donate it. It’s almost there but I’d like the shortest layers to grow another inch or so. I want to donate through Wigs 4 Kids and they require a minimum of 12 inches! Here is an idea of how long it is.

What I’m excited about…
Heading to a Kane Brown concert with my sister next month!
What I’m watching/reading…
I’m watching along with the Bachelorette as it wraps up and honestly I don’t love any of the men left! I’m kind of hoping JoJo ends up alone, because I think there is still something better for her out there. Do you watch the Bachelor franchise? Who do you think JoJo should pick? I’m still keeping up with PLL weekly too.
What I’m listening to…
David Nail’s new album, Fighter. Home is my favorite song!

What I’m wearing…
I am completely obsessed with these Kate Spade earrings from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale!!! They would make perfect little gifts too!

What I’m doing this weekend…
We’re headed to Ohio for a family wedding.
What I’m looking forward to next month…
Concert with my sister!
What else is new…
This little side table was a gift I received on my birthday! I’m still working on styling it but I’m hoping to create a little book nook in this corner 🙂

BONUS QUESTION: What was your favorite part about summer?
My favorite has been our evening routine of spending time out on the deck, soaking up the time with Hank & Hal, listening to music or reading a good book. Then heading out for a walk and ending the day watering my flowers. So just the simple time spent together has been my favorite. This summer has flown by! Its feels like we haven’t done much but at the same time like we’ve been very busy.

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