Hi friends! I’ve been seeing more inspiration recently on the topic of choosing joy & happiness, it is also something that I’ve realized in the last year or so…my happiness is actually my choice, whoa. So today I wanted to share some of that inspo and a little about how I choose JOY every single day which has lead to a happier me! ๐

First is realizing, believing, and truly accepting that your happiness is quite literally YOUR choice. You get to choose what you allow to steal your joy & happiness or you can choose NOT to let things or people steal it from you. I much prefer the latter.

Okay, so just because you choose happiness does not mean you can’t feel hurt or upset. I certainly have my moments when I’m down. However I try to limit those moments and don’t allow them to consume me. If someone does or says something that hurts me I’ll give myself a few minutes to feel angry, hurt, upset, whatever it may be and then I just move on. I no longer dwell on things or let them to “ruin” my day. If something ruins your day, it is because you let it, but guess what you don’t have to let it! I realize that that may sound easier than it seems, and depending the situation it might be, but I think in most all cases it truly is as simple as having the mindset that you’re over it, to let it go, to move on. Once you get in the habit then it becomes easier.

But how do you get over it & move on? Well, you can simply just stop thinking about it, but sometimes that can be hard. I will typically try to put a positive spin on what ever the situation might be… My dogs chewed up my skincare package…well, they must have wanted to search it before I use it to make sure it is safe for me lol!

My main principle is that I would much rather spend my life being happy and truly joyful! So instead of getting mad & yelling at my dogs, I diffuse the situation, take a deep breath, clean up the mess they made, and keep smiling because I love ’em anyway! I’d rather spend my time loving & laughing with my husband than arguing with him, so while we will debate we know when to call it off. There have been times when we realize that we’re about to start an argument over something as silly as who did what chores or who misplaced something and stop ourselves because those little things don’t matter. I try not to point fingers or say I told you so, because those things don’t actually get you anywhere.

A big area I look to inspiration on choosing happy is my dogs, seriously do you know anyone who is happier?! ๐ A couple weeks ago we loaded Hank & Hal up in the car to walk some local trails, we rolled down the windows and Hank was hanging more than halfway out (of course I had hold of him by the harness!). At the stop light a lady looked over and just got the biggest smile on her face and chuckled, she rolled her window down and said something about just how happy Hank looked. THAT is exactly how I want to look to other people too! So I often ask myself what do I need to do to be that happy? Of course there is a balance between doing what makes me happy and also still being responsible though.

My husband said it best on that same trip to walk the dogs on the trails as we were driving home…we spent all day outside in the yard plus we went on a family adventure that evening, he said the beags had had a really good day and we should stop for ice cream to make it even better. THAT is what I look for, what can I do to make life EVEN better ๐

Are you choosing JOY today? How do you ensure you are living a happier life?
Oh my did I need to read this- love everything about this post and it is so true- thanks for reminding me that I have the power over my thoughts and the way i react- so so inspirational Rechelle
Thank you Holly! We all need a little reminder every now and then – this one has been on my heart so I thought it was fitting to share ๐
Beautifully said and so important!
Yes, thank you Dara!
Absolutely wonderful post Rechelle! Thank you for the “pick me up” and much-needed insight today! You’re a blessing!
So happy to provide a little reminder! And thank YOU Laurie, seeing your comments always bring a smile to my face ๐