Happy New Year friends! I’ve come up with a few goals to continue to better myself in the new year. I thought I’d share them here with you to hold myself a little more accountable. Do you set resolutions or goals? Or I often see others select a word to guide them in the year too. What are your thoughts?

My biggest goal for 2017 and beyond is to show and tell the important people in my life how much I value them, love them, and appreciate them. Recently I’ve really thought about phrases such as: I love you more than you will ever know, or it means more to me than you know, or words can’t express how I feel and other such sayings. Thinking about these words and what they mean has made me decide I don’t want to use them. I want to actively ensure that others DO know how much I love them and just how much the things they do for me mean. I want to say thank you more often and have more meaning behind telling someone I love them. If I can’t find the words I will find the gestures and actions to share my feelings. How sad is it to think that someone will never know how much you love them, this year I will be certain to show and tell my tribe just how much I really do!
I started off 2016 strong with reading but I began to fall off a little in the last half of the year, especially the last 2-3 months. I want to get back on track and do a better job of staying there. I usually read each night before bed and I find it helps me wind down. I spent too much time on social media before sleep the last couple months, so I need to break that nasty habit!

Stitch, sew, craft, bake, cook. Sometimes I find myself unmotivated after work or just sitting on the couch sucked into a movie or show. Which I do enjoy getting to do that! However, it just doesn’t feel productive or like a good use of my time. I want to make a point to create things this year. Explore a little in the kitchen and my craft room.

Adventures with Hank & Hal.
We did pretty well this year in keeping active with the beags. I want to be even more present with them in the new year! Whether it is interacting and playing with them at home or getting out on some trails, it always feels so good for them and for us.

What are your goals for 2017?
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