Hello, I don’t normally post today but thought I’d share little since today is Giving Tuesday! It is the biggest fund raising day of the year for non-profit charities and organizations! While we just stuffed our faces then bought tons of things we probably don’t really need on Black Friday or Cyber Monday, it is SO IMPORTANT to give back this holiday season as well. These are some of the organizations that are near to our hearts and that we will be giving generously to today!

The first is Vet Ranch. My husband found these guys through YouTube a couple years ago. Vet Ranch is a group of veterinarians who provide medical care and treatment to homeless animals in Texas that otherwise have no advocate and they share their stories through YouTube and Facebook. While sometimes sad, we love watching their videos and following along with all the animals they rescue.

You’ve heard me mention Beagle Freedom Project before, this will be our fourth year of donating to them on giving Tuesday! We’ve become a cruelty free home in part because of the awareness they’re raised. BFP negotiates with labs across the world to release dogs (mostly beagles) and other animals to give them a chance at a normal home life. Especially after everything they have endured for canity and scientific curiosity. Ultimately BFP is working to end animal testing. The organization uses the rescues to draw public attention to the plight of animals languishing in the labs and to promote cruelty-free lifestyle choices that everyone can make.

Of course since we have 2 rescue beagles of our own, though not from laboratories, this cause hits very close to home. Today is a BIG day for BFP, any donations made through their Facebook page will be doubled by the Gates Foundation and all fees are waived. I love to shop their online store too! Plus they have promised that all funds raised today will 100% go directly to the rescuing of animals.

We decided to add One Last Treat to our giving list this year. We’ve only more recently been following them on Facebook. One Last Treat was founded by Military Veterans and they work to rescue senior dogs mostly in Metro Detroit and finding loving homes for their last years, months, or even just days. They also have a Vet Friends Til the End program in which they will match senior dogs with Military Veterans while covering all medical expenses for the dogs life. This organization is doing great work for senior dogs in animal shelters, plus by donating through Facebook their funds are doubled!

Finally, in an effort to support a non dog related organization we chose to donate to WDET-FM , a public radio station in Detroit, today as well. We listen almost every single day together as we commute to and from work and enjoy a lot of the programs that they provide. Today their donations are being doubled as well, so our donation will go even a little further! If you don’t follow an NPR station I highly recommend trying it out while it tends to certainly be informative it is also very interesting and amazing.

I hope you’ll join us today in giving generously to organizations that so very much need our help!
Hi Rechelle… that’s a pretty name. I found you via the Show and Tell linkup and was intrigued by your post for #givingTuesday. I did not know much about it until your post… made me think of the groups I support. Looking forward to digging into your Blog… Happy Holidays!
Hello Laurie, thank you so much for stopping by!!! Glad I could raise a little awareness about Giving Tuesday and its important for the organizations that rely heavily on gifts & donations. So happy you found me here, I look forward to connecting with you more! BEST WISHES for a happy holiday season to you & yours! 🙂
The company I work for campaigned hard for this today and matched all our contributions to our favorite organizations. I love your dedication to animals!
That is SO awesome Andrea! What a neat thing for a company to do. And thanks, we sure love our fur friends 🙂